Common Practice =/= Correct Practice, and it says rather explicitly and clearly the companies were reached out to but did not respond.
Common Practice =/= Correct Practice, and it says rather explicitly and clearly the companies were reached out to but did not respond.
If the person’s work is in the game, then they should probably get credited.
Was your pearl clutching because of my sarcasm necessary? On what fucking planet was my comment bullying? If that reply hurt them they should probably stay away from the internet and perhaps seek some professional help.
If it makes you feel any better, I wasn’t mocking them, just mocking their asinine point that since…
It’s not just human error, its at best a complete lack of effort, and at worst a malicious way to lock employees into crunch through complete exhaustion to salvage some sort of benefit to the last few years of their lives. I haven’t worked a job in 12 years that hasn’t required me to track the time I’ve worked on a…
“MercurySteam and Nintendo did not immediately respond to a request for comment.”
Whether it’s malicious or negligent, it’s still wrong. Studios could fix this if they made even the slightest effort to do so.
Unfortunately, this isn't true. Companies use credits as motivation to stay until the end of a project. Omission is pretty much always deliberate.
Lord knows no one could have watched it and reached different conclusions than you did!
“is the trans community has full support all over the world”
Holy shit, you couldn’t be more wrong. “Full support all over the world”, where are you getting that from? Trans people are the one group that it’s almost universally accepted to ostracize, assault, and discriminate against, even left of the political center. Lip service is honestly the best trans people get almost…
No one is taking away any of Dave Chappelle’s rights. No one is even threatening that.
Siding with ‘team TERF’ is pretty objectively embracing transphobia. That’s great that you thought he was funny, but he is still peddling boomer social grievances/bigotry as jokes.
“the only difference here, is the trans community has full support all over the world, and from a president. and while the community is still shunned by many, it’s nowhere near as “shamed” as it was before. the whole “delegitimising and directly attacking an entire group of vulnerable human beings” is nothing new in…
You can be a good person with good intentions and still act like a piece of shit. I’ve seen it happen. In fact, I think people who don’t desperately want to be good people, and don’t desperately try to think of themselves as “good people” are a bit less likely to be shitty, because they keep half an eye on themselves.
Sorry, but... what?
“He never once misgendered her.”
Oh fuck off. You and Dave both. Laying blame for someone’s suicide is fucking nonsense. What’s worse is that you’re both using it as a shield against criticism. How fucking cynical. How gross.
I absolutely love the fact that comedians can say whatever offensive shit they want now, as long as they follow up with “And if this offended you, it’s actually you who is the problem” and people will defend them for that.
So then let’s hear specifics on how the majority of his set being jokes stereotyping LGBT people makes him a defender of their rights. Go on, I’ll wait.
It’s mindblowing that a guy who quit his show because he felt the audience was laughing with the racism and not at it has now thrown in his lot exclusively with the people that drove him to quit in the first place.
That he quit as one of the most celebrated comics of his era, and returned to comedy as generic boomer…
1. They did. You maybe just didn’t pay attention.