
Plus the game has a dark setting, so this gives it a level of realism

That google guy _did_ write that memo and, as a grown-up, should be able to face the music. People could make him look bad by merely _quoting_his exact words (and lots of people jumped to his defense and cried “out of context!”, but for what it’s worth, none of them ever proceeded to add any context that made me

Comparing a 14 year old girl with a men’s rights activist and the founder of a garbage Internet tabloid. Even if it weren’t sordid because of her age, it’s still not the same, because people like Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro actually espouse those views. You’re on here acting like this is OK because people on the

Still, still enjoying nearly nude Pam.

Nah, dude. You’re conflating folk rightly taking people to task for having bad, even loathsome opinions and trolls engaging in mass harassment campaigns. GTFO with that.

Careful, now, Ruprecht might see your comment and berate you for wishing harm on awful, shitty people. “Now, now, it doesn’t do to be uncivil to these monsters!”

Probably has something to do with the fact that I never make my player character like me. At all. Haha. And I change the character entirely on successive playthroughs, from appearance to personality. I’ve never really considered the player character “me” so much as “the main character of this story”.

Haha, I’ve seen that argument before too. I’m just the total opposite. The limited scope of a first-person view (having to twitch to the side just to see what should be in your peripheral) and the unnatural way hands have to be held right in front of your face to remind you they’re there ruins the immersion for me.

I got bored with Witcher 3 within a few hours. Think it will appeal to us haters out there (I know there aren’t many of us in regards to Witcher).

Massachusetts also has the best public school system in the country. This is no small thing, basically anywhere you move to in MA, your children are going to have a quality education. It’s a prime example of public investment creating individual freedom; your family moves from Quincy to Springfield for work, you don’t

How is it not a social justice issue when women are harassed on the internet and life for just showing up and doing their jobs or simply existing? See also: gamer gate.

A lot of capital N Nerds don’t actually like movies or think about them in terms of filmmaking as an art form/craft. They like signifiers. They want to see familiar symbols do familiar things and they want the characterization to make them feel strong in the same way that they felt when they were kids.

I don’t think anyone is saying that “if you dislike TLJ, you’re a sexist”. More that “if you’re this passionately angry over the movie, there’s probably more going on there”.  And for a lot of these people, that thing is sexism.

I had an ex who was deep, deep, deep into nerd shit. D&D, LARPing, Farscape, the whole nine. She put together a movie night with me and some of the dorks she’d adopted. We took turns bringing in movies. One time, this guy who’d had his name legally changed to Grey brings in the Christopher Lambert Beowulf movie. (In

I truly hope Episode 9 is nothing but Kelly Tran & Daisy Ridley flipping these fuckos off for 120 minutes.

I do not like these Star Wars “fans”
Who do not like Kelly Marie Tran

Vault 76 was a control vault with 500 residents, set to open two decades after the bombs fell, so do with that information what you will.

Honest question: is there any value in engaging the Trump base? We spent all of 2017 with journalists combing Appalachia and the midwest trying to listen to and understand Trump voters, their concerns, their desires, fueling a barrage of Trump-splaining articles and Op Eds that don’t amount to much. There’s no

If they continue on the path they took with Far Harbor, we’d be in for a treat- best Fallout content since 2 sans New Vegas to my mind.

They definitely sound like a band produced by Ed Sheeran and Pink’s people now. So uninteresting.