
So you don’t think it’s reasonable to see a known garbage person in charge of a game and go “you know what, not for me, thanks” and move on? Where do you draw that line? Because at a certain point, by this logic, not buying literally every game, for any reason, is “screwing over” somebody. It’s like hearing somebody

Bocchi is easily the best thing this season, and not including Do It Yourself is a crime.

I’m enjoying it *because* it puts Gundam into a “light novel anime.”

and now he wants to get into bed with an openly bigoted transphobic conspiracy theorist who pals around with people who love to see queer nightclubs get shot up

this, so much. God some of these comments are depressing.

“ads are everywhere, so let’s just let more of them into our lives and never complain about it”

you actually don’t have to hand it to capitalism you know

I love how you’re so desperate to be upset that other people are bothered by yet another encroachment of toxic capitalist garbage into our lives that you’re rushing to defend Activision from getting its fee-fees hurt

so why does it need to be there, then? it sounds pointless.


because “comedy” to Musk is “harassing trans people”

he is a transphobe, do you not think that makes him a shitty individual?

it’s almost like people engage with games in different ways than you do

“From OnLive to Microsoft’s Mixer, to Google’s Stadia, it’s a graveyard of failure.”

Stardew Valley has been out since 2016. I think it’s less cynical “quick buck” stuff and more that a lot of people are feeling a need to have someplace kind and welcoming to escape to.

You ought to do something about the part of you that experiences “cringe” from JRPGs.

Arise is great tho

Naw, Arise is great. I don’t see anything “cringe” about it.

I would like it if they’d let a girl be the protagonist again. could they do that please

No “Komi Can’t Communicate” means this is rather incomplete. It’s fantastic and would have been a nice choice over punchyboy shows.