Calm it down it’s been seven years
Calm it down it’s been seven years
“It’s a great toy for the kids, has a few interesting exclusives, but the idea that games are a better experience on the Switch is a laughable one.”
“If you can game like an emperor more or less at your discretion, playing on a Switch in portable mode feels like being relegated back to dirt farmer status.”
“Games are objectively worse.”
For me, the problem is...Life is Strange 1 and Before the Storm are such huge, pivotal games for me that I got into right as I was coming to understand my trans identity. I connected with Max and Chloe in such a strong way and the games helped me as I was going through a torrent of emotions. So for me, Life is Strange…
How’s it feel having so little life you make comments like this?
The amount of hate some of you FF fans have for this game is baffling. It’s really good!
I could just play games like I do now: sitting without having to put on a headset, which would be so much more comfortable.
lol VR is absolutely not “the future of gaming.”
Why are gamers so invested in making people like VR?
then it should be female? or have the option?
...I’d rather have a nice practical EV hatchback than a performance car.
All cars are too expensive.
Wow that’s a wildly toxic attitude.
If they can make something better from it - why do you care?
Andromeda is not “absolute trash” - good grief, why are gamers so infatuated with hyperbole.
lol watching Pokemon fans this mad about completely inconsequential nonsense is amazing honestly
who cares
reusing models is good actually