“retarded people”
“retarded people”
I can’t square this with the fact that every single time I’ve seen a person use “virtue signaling” unironically, they’ve turned out to be awful.
“they do fine”
One day CDPR will realize that a bunch of F-bombs and lovingly rendered dead woman breasts don’t inherently make their games “mature.”
You seem fun.
I so can’t wait for you to tell us next that it’s REALLY about ethics in video game journalism.
This just reads as “I didn’t like all the mean ladies pointing out when men were garbage fires”
“What could I hope to gather from speaking to a gay person?”
I bounced out hard before getting to Novigrad, but every woman I met up to that point was either a generic peasant or a Victoria’s Secret model who you first meet naked and there, for the most part, aren’t any women out in the world except the aforementioned generic peasants. It got really old after a while.
I hated The Witcher 3. I found it an unpleasant slog through an overly faux-mature “edgy” world full of terrible depictions of women.
“Dykstra’s claims are more in line with a bad relationship between two people than they are with a one-sided, abusive one”
Somebody claiming to be a Star Trek fan complaining about “SJWs” when the entire franchise from its initial conception has been “Social Justice...IN SPACE” is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen, so my hat is off to you.
I absolutely hated The Witcher 3 (yes, Internet, I know, I’m wrong) in part because of how it handled its women. I gave that game several hours across two attempted playthroughs, despite disliking being forced to play as Geralt, because of the entire Internet yelling at me about it being the greatest thing ever…
And you think that paint is even a tiny fraction of a fraction of a percent of what he was talking about? Because it isn’t.
We will be spending enough on education and healthcare when we have full public K-college tuition-free and universal healthcare. Nothing less should be accepted and this should be an expected, basic human right.
Tax the super-rich at a rate of, oh, 80% or more. I’d be happy with that.
“Government is a scam” is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read. That bizarre libertarian delusion is one of the roots of why America is so screwed.
This (PRtMB) is the same self-described “feminist” who also gave Kanye a pass for publicly supporting a serial rapist.
You say that, but (as a massive Trek fan myself) I saw more than a few people screaming about Discovery having too many women, too many non-white people, too many women in power, “shoving SJW PC crap down our throats,” etc. etc. which is just baffling to me. Like, have you ever WATCHED Star Trek before, idiots?
A lot of places pretended it didn’t exist because it’s got REALLY questionable-at-best racial and gender stuff and it’s made by a Gamergater edgelord.