
who worked in a shirt factory for most of her life in rural Tennessee

Tracy, I don't know how many shirt factories existed in rural TN when our grandmothers were working, but I grew up on a quilt made from remainders of a rural TN shirt factory where my grandmother worked to feed my father.

Mine went on to clean a

It seem like to me that huge portions of our population have been utterly brainwashed by Fox News and the like. This shit of blaming people for being poor has GOT to stop. I work issuing benefits, and people always ask me if I get sick of dealing with people who are "lazy and entitled." And the truth is, no. I don't.

You really don't think FGM and human trafficking are up there? We're not talking about making 72 cents for every dollar men make here (an injustice, yes, but not the best example of a human rights abuse).

you got this leah

Here's my boss.

This numbskull always shows up in discussions about racism to input their daily dose of racist trolling. They don't need education, I tried that before. They need an exorcism.

Why are you so useless?

How did you manage to make it this far in life with such little self-awareness, a lack of social skills and the reasoning and logic skills of piece of plywood? Why do you appear where you are not needed or wanted? Why do you feel the need to share your basic ass, racist ass opinions with everyone? Why do you make

According to Princeton Mom this is exactly how it should be done! Pre-college lipo so that you can be your Best Self to snag those amazing college guys and obtain Full And Complete Success.

That, uh, that was not my point.

I object to this. He shouldn't get to dress up like one of my race for the purposes of entertainment. This is just racist no matter which way you slice it. For too long we Ghoulish Zombies have been categorized as Monsters and Brain Eaters and now we have to be the subject of fun? You Currently-Alivers seemingly have

Cue influx of people who don't understand how racism and institutional power works in 3, 2, 1....

"I cannot imagine a single one of the men and women I work with violating public trust like that..."

There is no such thing as "pro-abortion". It is "pro-choice". A choice is when someone has the right to govern their own reproductive system. I choose to not have sex. I choose to still use birth control. I choose how to live my life. This is pro-choice. Every time you choose to engage in sexual activity, every time

Wow we made Jezebel! I'm one of those "animal protesters". Animal Foundation is more important as a TAX shelter to the Greenspuns (wealthy media family) than a dog/ cat shelter. The HSUS called them a "house of horrors". High kill no care. You adopt puppies - in fact make every puppy at the shelter an arson puppy -

FYI, free speech includes other people's right to respond to what you said. Hope this helps.

[ citation needed ]

Shut the fuck up.