

There’s this company called Crainger. This is the exact stupid way they operate.

“a straight man, had some trouble. This is fine! ”

“How the FUCK can you be from Utah and want to fucking destroy fucking federal land???”

“this is exactly the Congress who would cheerily rubber-stamp this thing” - a Congress that is willing do reduce federal spending? Where is bad news, again?

“National Endowment for the Arts” - something federal government has no business being involved with.

“reduce federal spending by $10.5 trillion over 10 years” - hope that happens. Long overdue.

It is a well known fact that conservatives give more to charities compared to liberals.

Funny how it works.

The guy is probably smarter than you. Question his motives all you want, but stupid is the last thing you would call him.

Are we not going to start caring about cyber security? Up until now, we were total fools when it comes to it.

I just go by google definition:

What else does “public servant” imply if not that?

“nobody needs 4 houses” - why is this your business?

“ many stooges in this country that will hail him as some kind of hero”

I like him. Has a little time and spare change to teach a lesson to bureaucrats. Need more like him.

Hard to get mad at a guy for making bureaucr..err public servants do a little work for a change (see what I did there?).

“ at the office of Jeff Sessions”
