
Wasn’t Bernie a commie, basically? Your guy, own it now.

She’s a Christian, sure...

Coup like one in DNC now?

Military coup by people like you who overwhelmingly don’t own guns? Muahahah

Anytime, buddy.

Don’t worry, fakepinky, it is not possible to lose any more freedom that wasn’t taken away by your democrat buddies.

It is white, but not white-guilt-ridden like yours.

Any of the statements incorrect?

“to acknowledge systemic issues” -exactly what Trumpsters were saying all along. Called bigots, racists, xenophobes along the way by your types.

Use your 1st Amendment rights on sidewalk, please. And don’t break my business’ windows. Asking to stop scaring customers away is too much at this point.

So, named “Bigot Action Committee”. Got it.

Yours, too.

Try talking and reasoning. Not screaming and calling them racist.

Of course, you are so much better.

Are you ok with setting this precedent? The other side can do it, too.

Lol, amazing to see you guys never learned. Being in echotunnel is exactly what got you into this. Keep it up!

Cool. Now, you will live in echo chamber of like minded people. Kumbaya

With attitude like that, you will die poor.

“Taco Bowl” is Hillary’s comment. Let’s not forget that.

So, Sarah Palin was hated by left because she was a woman. Got it.