
That is a big fat lie. They had a SUPERmajority for 4 months (60 votes). They had the majority for the full 2 years.

Republicans are barely hanging on to a majority with 51.

And when was this?

What happened yesterday was capitulation to keep the lights on. There was no incremental step toward any policy. What in the fuck are you even talking about?


I know we are; that’s how arguments tend to go. Sorry for misrepresenting you in any way, or in subposting others, which made it seem like I wasn’t addressing your points. I appreciate you approaching me in good faith than others.

2009 & 2010. They even had the Presidency then.

That’s a disingenuous narrative that the only strategy was “I’m not Trump, albeit, it was the dominant marketing effort. That’s a problem for sure, but Hillary was running on “I will continue Obama’s policies that have led us to some gains in progress, but nowhere near the end. Also, I’m not Trump.”

Ok, so if a Democrat won, would they have dismantled the ACA?


Now playing

A commitment to incrementalism, with the belief that most progress tends to be two steps forward, one back—especially in a country with as many separate interests as the United States.

“9-1-1 What’s your emergency?”

Great article. This has been the point I’ve been trying to make for at least the last year and even during the 2016 campaigns — Trump is a symptom, not the cause, of the rot in the Republican Party that’s been festering for years if not decades.

And, no, the corporate dem’s in the mold of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obamaand their mouthpieces on PSA and MSNBC won’t save you.

I was a 10-point baby born in India.


Dammit, we as Americans need to stop comparing every president with the low bar that is Trump and we need to educate ourselves. Obama’s foreign policies that were probably not included: He launched airstrikes or military raids in at least seven countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan,

So how about those drone bombings?

Dude I could stop drinking if not for Bourbon. I mean...the shit is perfection in liquid drug form.

We offered to cover them up or change,

“You’re tall, what position do you play?”