
That’s a disingenuous narrative that the only strategy was “I’m not Trump, albeit, it was the dominant marketing effort. That’s a problem for sure, but Hillary was running on “I will continue Obama’s policies that have led us to some gains in progress, but nowhere near the end. Also, I’m not Trump.”

Ok, so if a Democrat won, would they have dismantled the ACA?


Now playing

A commitment to incrementalism, with the belief that most progress tends to be two steps forward, one back—especially in a country with as many separate interests as the United States.

I was a 10-point baby born in India.


Dammit, we as Americans need to stop comparing every president with the low bar that is Trump and we need to educate ourselves. Obama’s foreign policies that were probably not included: He launched airstrikes or military raids in at least seven countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan,

So how about those drone bombings?

Dude I could stop drinking if not for Bourbon. I mean...the shit is perfection in liquid drug form.

We offered to cover them up or change,

“You’re tall, what position do you play?”

Speaking as a recovering alcoholic in the AA sense, I know several (myself included) alcoholics who can pause their drinking for a month so long as they are substituting some other addiction (emotional drama, adrenaline, self-harm, eating, gambling, etc.). Whether or not you get DTs when you pause your drinking is not

People that defend rapists don’t get to tell me about gender inequality in movies.

IS this the same Natalie Portman who supported Polanski? Fuck her

People that are willing to martyr themselves and put up with shitty treatment from assholes in order to fulfill their own dreams are a huge part of the problem.

The games should be played earlier for both the players and fans. And the championship should be on a Saturday. Same with the Superbowl. Forcing me to go to work tired and hungover isn’t cool.

It’s all fine and well (and even admirable) that you’re able to laugh at yourself—or at jokes that reference conditions you have. However, you, as an individual, don’t have the right to speak for others in terms of what they are or are not bothered by.

It’s also worth noting that blackface has its roots in some

In Evangelical circles this is called “working on your testimony”. After he gets through this he can tell people how the Lord saw him through this and how much stronger in the faith he is etc. A proper Christian response to this IMO would be shame and an abject apology to the young lady while expressing sorrow to God

Holy shit dude get an editor.

He must have double vision something fierce. Everyone knows you eat at the Y.