
Yeah, I would pass on the thank you note, the generous tips are all the thanks your bartender needs, the very fact that you wrote this letter means you realize the awkwardness/creep factor of writing some elaborate thank you note...follow your instincts and just keep the tips flowing, maybe a short and sweet verbal

Department of Homeland Security prioritizes cracking down on the poor whites a bit more, maybe...there fixed it, cause we all know damn well they aren’t concerned with doing anything to curb white supremacy...

His ego is on 100, and he believed that we all would buy into the same lies he’s been telling himself his entire life, so why would he need to have a well thought out answer for his alleged crimes and other nonsense...

Nah, I don’t know if his heart can be in the right place, because he isn’t willing to have a serious internal conversation with himself, and be accountable for trolling for underage, easily controllable trans women in his past...

LOL, your “N!$$@ please” face is on point for this entire interview...bravo

I assume she’ll still be playing her mom on Blackish, so she probably doesn’t care too much about it...

From where I see it, no U.S. President really deserves a peace prize, anything they do that promotes “peace” in any corner of the globe is immediately undermined by shady operations being run in at least 100 different places on the planet at any given time...but by all means give PPABOTUS a Nobel for managing not to

LOL, yeah I don’t know that I am hearing anything other than Jorah Mormont when he speaks on Titans...but it doesn’t ruin the show for me, some folks just will never be happy about anything, and life is generally too chaotic and sucky for me to cry about accents on a friggin tv show...

Yeah, Hunt’s canned tomato sauce is my go-to, I used to be a Classico buyer and my mom always used Prego, but I find that $1.00 can of Hunt’s does everything for me that those other more expensive sauces do, so until I decide to actually make some tomato sauce from scratch, I’m going go with Hunt’s...

Eli is washed up, he knows it, Pat Shurmur knows it, Ben McAdont knew it, the only people who didn’t know it were Jerry Reese and the Maras...the only place he needs to be traded to is a Nationwide commercial so he can save poor Brad Paisley from Peyton...

I would agree, that we need to temper our initial response to things that comedians say as a part of a performance, but this to me was not Shane Gillis the comedian missing badly on an ill-conceived joke, it was Shane Gillis the man shooting the breeze and letting all kinds of racist nonsense spew from his yap...

I don’t know that is quite a bit of critical thinking for someone whose name sounds eerily close to Ainsley Airhead...if there was one person at Faux News that I would believe really just wants everyone to be “nice to each other” like they were in the aftermath of 9/11(unless you were Muslim or looked like one) it

I feel like this is a dumb letter that was only written so the LW could see her know-it-all brother in law get thrashed repeatedly, of course, you’re being ripped off that is how restaurants make money, and you know that when you walk in the door...

Kit Kats, Hershey kisses and bars...Quite a few I prefer chilled, not necessarily frozen, like Twix and Peanut M&Ms

I wouldn’t necessarily say stupid in all cases, but a little too trusting of people that are either somewhat likable or sound somewhat insightful...

This is true, but I’m leaning more toward this coward was not as drunk as he and his defense would like people to believe, in any case, drunk or not, sexual assault is sexual assault, hopefully this clown will end up in a cell block sooner rather than later...

LOL, Oprah made a ton of money off of promoting these clowns, the only people that “fell for anything” are the people that trust tv personalities to do anything other than shill BS to make themselves more money...

And especially to be gay and not flamboyant because there is a space where society will “allow” gay men to live unimpeded but to be gay and still reside in what they consider masculine spaces is very tough and shame on these guys for trying to act like they don’t recognize it, but I guess if you are essentially a

100%...This was Kevin’s opportunity to really show all that remorse he was claiming when he was trying to save his Oscar job, and yet he acts like he doesn’t understand why a gay black man would still feel threatened and afraid to be who they truly are, and I’m going to hold him to the fire because I respect his

Scarlett Johansson...