
Yeah, except they still have bills of their own to pay, they still had to spend money on gas or fare to get to work, so while they didn’t have clean DND rooms, they are still getting the short end of the stick, and I’m not saying this is in any way your problem, it’s more of an industry issue, to have people show up

On the one hand, I think it’s kind of stupid to take pictures of your food, on the other hand, I just saw a picture on a FB friend’s page of an awesome looking Philly cheesesteak at this new spot that I didn’t know about, so that picture is 100% going to bring a new patron to that place as soon as I get a chance...

Exactly, last week very few people had any idea who Olivia Jade was, now millions know her name, she is going to be better than fine, this will grow her social media profile by leaps and bounds...I kind of despise our society.

What part of stable genius do you people not understand???

Although it is quite possible Macaulay is lying and MJ did molest him, it’s also possible that Michael realized that Culkin had too big of a microscope on him to risk going full pedo on him...

Yeah, in death his reputation was reborn...

Ho hum, just more protecting and serving...nothing to see here

Yeah, this is 2019, you make a damn fool of yourself on tv, social media is going to meme you to hell, and it is 100% about making a mockery of Robert, not his victims, at least for the decent minded folk...

With clowns like these in position to hold *45 accountable, Stormy is lucky Trump didn’t just have a guy wack her, in this imbecile’s mind the murder would just be more proof of how much the Dotard-in-Chief loves his family...

If he had gotten out of that seat one more time, there would be no need for a trial because the 4 armed bodyguards Oprah has stationed on Gayle at all times would have ended Robert...

ESPN is in the LeBron business, of course they were pumping the Lakers up, and in ESPN’s defense, before the injury and Magic torching the team chemistry, the Lakers were at least contenders for a playoff spot...

Pam Northam out here trying to create more woke soldiers and she’s catching hell for her troubles,of course the optics would have played better if the kids that were closest to her to were white and being asked to “imagine it was them”, but I’m not mad at her lesson, because both blacks and whites are woefully

It’s not just about the money, but much like President Dumpster fire, it’s all about the cult of personality, once people buy into a brand, it’s hard for them to buy out...

It’s already screwed up...Magic, Rich Paul (LeBron), and AD all overplayed their hand and I have no understanding of why they did this, except maybe they overestimated the value of the current Lakers roster and underestimated Dell Demps’ petty meter, but the fact the Magic so publically threw his entire roster under

So let me get this straight, you were actually planning on asking them to forgo charging you for chicken that I’m assuming you went ahead and ate because it looked and tasted good(because it was fresh AF), look I think we all can agree there was a timing issue at play, but sheesh, you sound like a real peach...

Since he didn’t mention it, I’m guessing that chicken tasted good, he just wanted to moan about something...

Either Kraft is unbelievably cheap or this is a fetish...or both I guess

I honestly don’t think the unholy trinity are going anywhere, but what concerns me is that Northan, Fairfax, and Herring were going to be very important players for the VA Democratic Party in the future as prospective Senators, Governors, etc, (hell Fairfax could have potentially made a WH run after winning a

Betsy DeVos is in the perfect position because her job is to destroy public education, something that she, Trump, and their ignorant deplorable base have no use for, so of course, she isn’t motivated to say or do anything that will incur the wrath of the Idiot-in-chief...

It never fails, the moment anyone in this god-awful administration starts using that thing in between their ears, they become Public Enemy #1...