He works in mysterious and sometimes petty ways...
He works in mysterious and sometimes petty ways...
Defeating the car’s safeguards leads one to believe there was some premeditation involved, so unless the safeguards malfunctioned, the driver is indeed a self-important idiot...
Yeah, they clearly don’t care about politicians screwing them over, as long as they are also actively screwing over minorities at a higher rate...they’re stuck in that 1850's mentality, the lowest white man is still better than a slave, never once realizing that if they held the oligarchs accountable maybe they…
We can agree to disagree, but I think it is clownish for people that clearly knew or had some base knowledge of Robert Kelly’s predilections to willingly and proudly work with him and apologize now because its the popular thing to do and in some cases the reputation saving thing to do...now if there are people…
Well, (female) supporters of child rapists don’t get to win Oscars so she’s got to lay her own victim status on really thick to get that stench off of her...
And that’s why Shawn ain’t saying a word because anything he says will ring just as hollow as what the rest of the clowns are saying right now...
As the Rock would say, take that apology, shine it up real nice, turn that sumbitch sideways, and stick it straight up a place where the sun doesn’t shine...
Dissent and disagreement are precursors to change, so of course, any power-hungry dictator worth his salt is going to take issue with any action that threatens their dominance, no matter how small...it’s really not about love for these guys, it’s all about maintaining that power, now Cadet BoneSpur Hamberder, he seeks…
You can’t trademark a surname, but you can damn well protect your reputation when someone is using your name to commit fraud...If her pops weren’t trying to use Rihanna as a selling point for his shill of a company it wouldn’t be an issue...
Nope, Donnie is watching every channel on the off chance someone says something bad about him, he can then go on a Twitter tantrum about it for a few days because it’s not like he has anything of importance to do with his time...
MSU had one job, find someone who wouldn’t go about disparaging assault victims, but as per usual, they couldn’t even do that right...
Well if you don’t want to say it outright, just start spamming her social media with cheap tipper memes maybe she’ll get take the hint...
Yep, you can see her thinking, “If this b#@$ don’t shut the F(%* up...”
Yeah, we all know at the end of the day Robert is the monster that actively assaulted her niece, but she 100% knew what Robert was capable of and likely to do to her niece, she needs a cell right beside him...
The man was actively blowing the whistle on his damn self, his lyrics are a pedo’s manifesto...
You wasted your time, it takes a certain level of unabashed assholery to willfully overlook the actions of a GROWN ass person and focus on the actions of an impressionable child...
Yeah, I’m confused also, who are these new R.Kelly fans that didn’t already own or illegally download his music over the past 20+ years...
So, in essence, security in airports, an area that we unequivocally know terrorists use to enter the country is suffering from this wall nonsense...isn’t that just awesome.
I 100% believe this is a faked letter to get Rude Negro to go nuclear, lol...
I think it’s probably not a great idea to be touching people you don’t know, if it is a situation like my in-laws who have a weekly dining out schedule and have built an actual rapport with servers over the course of years, I’d say it may be acceptable, but otherwise hands to yourself is always a winning policy...