
LOL, are we just now coming to this realization, if facts meant anything to these folks Trump wouldn’t be president right now, the only thing that will pry these deplorables off of Trump is MAYBE if he gets caught on a hot mic at one of his klan rallies saying what he really thinks about the majority of his

Flacco is not really considered a great QB, is he? Sure he’s got a ring but does anyone really rate him higher than say Dilfer or Brad Johnson...

He can’t say anything to her, probably since like ever, but definitely not since he was caught with his first sidepiece some 40+ years ago...

I see what you did there, lol...

I can think of only two reasons this grown ass man would be doing this, 1) he is plainly and unrepentantly nasty, or 2) perhaps suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s, in either case talking sense into him is probably a non-starter...

Ho hum..these are the descendants of people that used scripture to condone enslaving my ancestors, they used it to condone discrimination, they have used their religion as a weapon against me and my kind since they first laid eyes on the motherland, they and their religion are a waste of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen,

They’re just trolling at this point, between Megyn“Make Santa White Again” Kelly’s recent controversy and the yearly Halloween blackface incidents most folks can not honestly try to claim they didn’t know it was “a thing”, it’s pretty much their way of screaming the “n-word” in public without actually saying it...

He was used, LOL...nah bruh you happily caped for *45, your MAGA hat gave you superpowers, right?... You can miss me with this BS.

NBC has made it so that she can sit home and paint her face black for the remainder of her days and then some...

And the infuriating part is, you didn’t need a crystal ball to see NBC would end up paying her to leave if I didn’t despise her guts so much, I would salute her for a game well played...

You give Andy Lack too much credit, his incompetence was not based on hoping any viewers were going to follow Megyn, he just wanted to say he hired a big fish, even though nothing in her background would lead someone to believe she could fit in the mold of a Today Show fluff dealer, the day she signed on the dotted

I doubt the scouts are really considering anything McShay and Kiper say, it’s the other way around, McShay and Kiper are using the same skills and tendencies rubric that scouts have been using for years mixed with a bit of theatrics for entertainment purposes...

I agree wholeheartedly about Mike Colter, his wooden performance made an otherwise good show very difficult to watch whenever he was on screen and doing anything other than wrecking shop...

At this point, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Punisher would probably have to do massive numbers for Netflix to be interested in co-partnering with Disney in any way...

From Netflix’s viewpoint, I’d say it probably plays an important part in them not wanting to be Disney’s lapdog, while Disney aggressively tries to take over streaming supremacy...

I said this yesterday and I’ll say it again, Megyn Kelly ain’t stupid, she wants to take her ball and go home with ALL of the ridiculous money NBC offered her in tow, making these sort of headlines is exactly what will get her wish granted...

I’ve never been to a Popeyes anywhere where the service wasn’t atrocious from a wait time standpoint at least...

I think Megyn wants to go home, and she wants NBC to pay her all that cash on the way out of the door, no better way to expedite the inevitable than create some controversy that the higher-ups don’t want to deal with and would rather just throw $$ to make it go away...

Derek, it’s okay, I sometimes cry after I yawn, I’m still a manly man...

Exactly, this billboard is freakin’ awesome...