I will gladly take any future story, no matter how convoluted, that puts Adam and Shoshanna together again.
I will gladly take any future story, no matter how convoluted, that puts Adam and Shoshanna together again.
I still find it wonderful that an extremely minor character from like two episodes at the end of season 1 essentially became the third lead for season 2.
It's an outstanding episode and one of my all-time favourites; the only problem is that the exaggerated, satirical take on Homer's characterization in that episode became his default setting not long after. Still, I don't think you can really blame that episode for what happened him afterwards.
I'm not sure if they were my favourites necessarily, but I loved how "O.S.I. Love You" and "Momma's Boys" aired right next to each other and perfectly demonstrated what, to me, are both sides of the Venture Bros. coin: The first was tightly-plotted, action-packed, and twisty; the other was lower-key with tons of great…
In no particular order, other than the alphabetical one I accidentally typed it in:
There was plenty of great stuff in 2013 no doubt, but my most enjoyable TV experience all year may have been watching those final five or so Arrested Developments and watching all the pieces click into place in a frenzy of punchlines. To see how everything fit together in the end felt thrilling in a way I rarely…
That's the only instance in which Parker did Sharon's voice (which in this case were just weary mumbles, since she had been watching CNN for weeks). Eliza Schneider had done Sharon's voice a handful of times before that, and would continue to do so for a few seasons after. You are correct that there's a run of mid to…
Next to the glorious stupidity of The Russell Crowe Show (and, possibly, Christopher "Butthole" Reeve's transformation into a super villain), this might have been my favourite instance of the show handing over a bizarre B-plot to a celebrity we'll rarely, if ever, see again in the series.
Oh man. I just posted about these guys. I'm glad I'm not the only person who remembers them (even though yes, it's just their name I remember).
I don't know how many years back it goes, but I still think Those Fucking Unicorns is one of the best names to come out of these lists. It always conjures the image of unicorns being a mild, domestic annoyance, and makes me laugh every time I think about it.
Plus, I think he plays an instrument on (or wrote the orchestration for) more tracks than any non-Beatle. Side 2 of Yellow Submarine is also all him which, granted, is pushing the definition of what a Beatles track is, but that's still more album real estate than anyone else has.
191 - 2012 Holiday Spectacular
200 - Halfway To China
218 - The 4th Anniversary Extravaganza!
225 - Super Chums
229 - Two Thumbs & Not Much Else
238 - Marissa Wompler's Birthday Pool Party LIVE
240 - #TheWorldsEnd
241 - The Stallone Bros.
243 - Blow Me Up, Tom!
245 - Poehler Ice Caps
The post definitely exists, and may still be out there. Someone at No Homers tracked it down and linked directly to it after the season 7 DVD came out. Whoever wrote it is an unsung popculture hero.
Y'know, I think Josh "Livestock" Boruff could helm a really weird but ultimately very sweet children's series.
Oh wow, that was her? I only know her from her Twitter picture which looks… different.
I guess I agree in theory and could see this being a problem if the trend continues, but given that Rob Lowe and Rashida Jones are leaving soon I'm okay with Ron stepping back in favour of their characters being serviced. I wouldn't have traded Leslie and Chris' team-up tonight for any other duo.
I've had my problems with Jamm in the past, and maybe for some his development here is too little too late, but I really like how they tapped into his sadness in the second half hour tonight while still playing his unpleasant qualities for laughs. I don't know if I'll ever be fully behind his character, but tonight…
I haven't seen the whole arc of Ben's accounting firm shenanigans in a while so I may be misremembering, but I'm pretty sure the guy playing the head accountant turned the energy in his performance up to 11 this time out. And I loved every second of it.
I loved that touch. There had to have been a fierce writers' room discussion over that.
I laughed frequently and I was touched by a handful of character beats. That's more than I can ask for out of a show in its sixth season. A-!