
I’m all for you guys expanding into different media but I really wish some of these discussions were in article form sometimes because that’s just how I consume! Literally every podcast you and Gita have done recently has perked my interest but I’m just not a podcast or even radio type person. I know it’s too much

How’d I know you’d call someone a ‘cuck.’ What a ‘sheep’ word.

Never said that overall whites aren’t victimized nor abused more than any other group seeing as they make up a majority of the US population it goes without saying they’d be victimized and abused at higher numbers altogether. More so my issue is people like you using those stats to undermine the idea that blacks and

Sounds like you’re kicking rocks, enjoy. Don’t come back now ya hear!

Yes, let’s work together with those who would unknowingly and through willful ignorance uphold tenets of privilege. You’re right, in fact let’s work with a group of people who I’d say hmmmm.... maybe 1 out of every 2 voted for “Trump” and who have the audacity to say our grievances are the reason Trump is president?

You’re pretty bad about understanding things in context. You’re just smart enough to be dangerous and influential to other non critical thinkers. You actually help contribute to a lot of the injustices in this world even though you think you’re a good guy.

I don’t even know why I bothered to read and comment over there. F*ck those people at this point.

Well, she’s not wrong. These corporate responses are representative of the 53% and white feminists’ feelings. Claiming to champion diversity then silencing the voices of the truly oppressed and downplaying their own privilege / pretending to try and understand. So tired of this shit.

Eh, it does say “he thinks”(easily scanned over with our brains tho) in the quote but yeah thanks to Tom Cruise my only knowledge of the name Suri is as a girl’s name.

That place is a mess now. The writers sometimes come off as bad as the commenters too.

Edit: found his WordPress... im slow

I think there was an article on gizmodo about this a little bit ago, but yeah this sucks.

Really sucks if he gets a game banned from a whole country by being an ignorant ass. It’s a shame as he was one of my favorite characters in Brother. Yet the behavior fits with the characters he plays, at least with what I’ve seen of him.

No, that would be out of the stupid, ignorant people’s handbook because surprise...Spanish people ARE white. Leave it to a conservative to make uneducated statements and feel like they “got ya now”!

This is basically the “white feminism” home base now.

This is absolutely the whitest shit ever.

Really glad someone else noticed this too.

That’s early aughts optimism you got going on there. If anything racism seems to have taken an uptick in America bucking the downtrend to the point where real racism is just being flat out denied because “Merriam Webster doesn’t define it that way.” And we’re passing down the toxic thought processes to the kids which

the vaporwave is strong with this one

Absolutely! Even though it’s not my call to make ;p. The difference between you and the folks I’m talking about is that you come here and read. It just kinda sucks when Jezebel is in the same network, on the same slider of articles, and I’d say a lot of their readers are STILL really tonedeaf when it comes to issues