
No witty destiny article opening line! Which I guess is fair considering the news and how much Bungie sucks at taking care of their community. They shouldn’t have even brought over the D1 chars, lazy bastids just wanna reuse old char models / use the unused ones from D1 just like they did with story quests.

I was going to write you off for some of your earlier comments but this one shows that you really are just trying to get it and that absolutely needs to be encouraged. Keep going, I think you are definitely picking up a lot of what people are putting down. It can most definitely get tiring trying to understand just as



That news title just infuriates me. “Racially motivated shooting?” The ‘?’ Like seriously? This dude just yelled get out of my country and this is a question????

Seems so Egyptian.

I loved this actor in Black Mirror too, really excited for this.

Gotta do what’s right for your health. I hope a lot of your viewers and fans understand why you’re scaling back a little. I feel like any internet community, the toxicity of comments and chat in addition to the being “on” all the time you mentioned just weigh down too heavy on folks. And from what’s I gather from a

He really has a knack for it!

Wow, serious piece here and good read. I guess I can see the comparisons to Amy Schumer (who I don’t find funny) and Colbert with their networks; I hadn’t really thought of it in that way before. The one thing that stood out to me however is the subtitle of that slate Sarah Silverman article (How Sarah Silverman is

I wonder if there’s going to be any sort of multiplayer, either way really wanna try this game it looks so good!

Congrats! This is a big deal, I’ll definitely check it out.

Agreed, his update practically rendered McCree useless as a DPS pick in comp. High burst damage with a high precision requirement, however no healing or sprint versus constant damage with a low precision requirement, healing, sprinting, aimbot for even more precision babying. Even for the folks who can precision aim

This is really cliche but I’m getting pretty sick of the old guard criticizing the new generation of things so hard. Yes, there is value in what the old guard has experienced as well as what they have to say on issues but shouldn’t it be taken with the same grain of salt that every new generation seems weird or to be

Boom. Had an open mind to read the whole article until I finished reading that part. Headed straight to the comments to say what you said.

Haha this article is amazing

I’ve started looking into it and a friend and I are planning to binge this masterpiece. The minute I was like 30 year old restaurant staff aspiring for Hollywood fame, they were in.

After reading Patricia’s review I proceeded to watch every trailer and cry about how I’m about to do the evil and pre order.

This show sounds magical. On my list!

I love you so much. This was so cute.