
Someone more knowledgable might correct me, but for 2.0 or 2.1 systems you are better off with a dedicated stereo amp, which does not have hdmi. Jdmi is mostly for 5.1 and up speakers, hk etc just wont cut it if you want ti build a great sounding stereo system...and if youre buying speakers in this price range im

I own a pair of b&w 684's combined with a nad c362 integrated amp, connected with a devilsound dac to my mac mini. Stunning sound. And i dont even have a record player or a dedicated cd player attached to it that would make the sound even better.

Horrible ceo. Dude must be being advised by accountants. Any time your main strategy seems to be to cut costs, youre pretty much doomed. Which is what this guys been doing since he took over. While rim is in a downward spiral, its not because they cant make hardware, its because their software outside of email and

So what is stopping dmca and law enforcement from slapping mega with an "aiding piracy" lawsuit? Its been done before with services. Willful ignorance technically is not a defence. And law enforcement could claim thatthe system is intentionally created to subvert copyrights. And given dot coms history theres already a

I bloody hate games that require tilting my phone...and that seems to be a good chunk f games nowadays. Im not a gamer that specifically sits down for a gaming session. I do it generally in bed, where i lay on my side, and well tilt games cant be played that way. Also dont want to look moronic on the subway wildly

Im an avid tech enthusiast and genereally own the latest and greatest (new laptop, tablet, phone, htpc) every year. Plus ipods, external hard drives galore (8x2tb since i moved to a nas), usb keys, etc. Yet in my whole history ive never sold anything on ebay. I find it more fruitful to give the gadget to someone in

So ive still got 2 gmail services set up on my iphone (back from the day of iphone 3g). One is with this google sync method for calendar, and the other is gmail exchange for contacts and mail. For some reason one of the fields, notes i think, only appears in one but not the other so ive never taken the risk of

Can anyone comment about the acurracy of this? One tanker load seems a bit teensy to me. Being the age of cyber-everything its ofciurse tough to guage sizes, but id figured the answer would be more like "the size of x city".

For a budget phone thats actually pretty decent specs! Ofcourse outdated by todays quad core 2 gb ram sets but still nothing to scoff at. From what i heat winpho is a pretty efficient system so these specs should be retty decent performance.

Let me guess you live in a top 5 metropolitan city in the US and dont travel much out of the country.

yep youve really clarified whose trash and scum. enjoy the rest of your trailerpark life.

Lol true. Ill be chuckling at your comment all day now.

And then people wonder why theres so much resentment againt north americans in the rest of the world.

hahahaha i was just going to write a comment with exactly those 3 points. The minute i read will.i.am anywhere my hate meter already maxes out without any bloody reason at all. and i don't know why. And youre absolutely right it not like he's done anything "wrong" per se he's just an idiot.

i'm glad you gave me an explanation before i posted an "uhhh i dont understand why this is a word" comment and got mocked by people.

Just downloaded the newly released ios nokia maps. Where i am right now google shows a whole city with all the tiny streets and the intricate web of roads and highways. On nokia maps? 5 lines representing the main middle road a "ring road" and a highway. Its laughable. And im talking a city of a million people.

Sorry didnt want to stereotype at all, and of course i realize its mostly a minority, or rather a large minority, that does have a narrow scope of the rest of the world outside north america. I just didnt want to say "gizmodo bloggers" for fear of being banned or something.

Seems nothing but a publicity stunt. Im no engineer but id figure thes always a tradeoff between cost, speed, quality, strength, etc. It seems this building miraculously accomplishes everything without any sacrifices. Fastest, tallest, most floors, cheap, 105 elevators. Its like telling university kids to throw in as

Thats very true actually. When i hear of news such as google blanketing a whole city in gigabit fiber service and super fast lte etc i tend to forget though.

When will north americans realize the world doesnt just revolve around them. As much as we all love didgital stuff, theres a world outside north america and a few developed countries where internet speeds are still slow as molasses and there are serious download caps in place. Despite that these markets represent huge