
Like most people i dont care about this article i just want to know where you got that picture and who that woman is.

For me the only time passbook will be useful if all, or a majority of the services i use, utilize the app. Otherwise its always a guessing game of whether to make a note, or add to passbook.

I actually wont miss any of those technological flourishes like touchscreen. Only thing i figure that they could have traded is wifi for bluetooth. Butnthen again i think theirnecosystem is planned to be very different than amazons so wifi would have been useless. Its basically using the phone to access everything.

Many. But definitely not most. Forgetting about anything even slightly accurate after youre past the top10 Cities of the world.

Theres some pretty good music recommendations here but everytime you make one molly it just reminds me how horrible music still exists.

What have i not used? Iphone 5? Correct i have not. Or do you mean ios 6? Yes i have, on my 4s and ipad. Since the gm. So im a pretty tech savvy individual. I alwqys find something good in technology even half flawed. Wth apple maps? Nope. Yeah 3d is pretty i used it. But its not really a tremendokusly useful feature.

I didnt mind paying for a 3gs upgrade over a 3g simply for the speed. Or a 4 upgrade over 3gs for its facetime camera, or a 4s upgrade over 4 cos it was faster. I knew i wanted facetime but id never use it, so its not apples fault, its a cool feature to have. I knew siri wS shit but it was a non-core feature so i

Im sure everything sill be better in the future no doubt about it. Unfortunately it wont be NOW which is the problem everyone has.

What about a webbased setup like routers. Problem solved screenlessly.

I've never used one of these things, but instead of configuring via some crappy desktop, wouldn't it be better to have some kind of app/wifi based setup the way airplay speakers have? Thus no need for touchscreen.

That direct routerless beaming you speak of, i noticed something funny with my klipsch g17. When you configure the speaker by putting it in "pairing" more to connect directly to your ios device so you can inout you wifi settings, well when uts paired like this to your ios device you can play music directly from your

The only people not having maps issues seem to be from major metropolitcan centres in north america. I loved google maps cos in the past few years i dont think it let me down ever. Ive been to some pretty obscure places (at the very least in the sense that they lack infrastructure to an extent that you would imagine

Not sure how they can legally be made. Yes i know made in china but somehow apple in the past has been able to tightly control products that use the dock connected female plug. Smeone on gizmodo infact pointed out to me that apple licenses the male dock connector (the one on usb cable and the one in speaker docks) but

Oh and just to be clear on how much of an apple fanboy i am, i buy a new iphone every year, i have a macbook pro and a mac mini, snd a new ipad every year. Snd i still really really wish the browser gets better so i can switch.

I know a lot of you will scratch your heads, but i love the xperia ray. Maybe its not listed here because of its possible non availability on Us carriers (im in canada), but its the first phone ive ever really been tempted to ditch my iphone for. (Been a loyal iphoner since the 3g)

i used to actually once in a frequent while check out the songs you guys suggested in the soundtrack section. I love music. I figure even if means discovering something new off a blog that has nothing to do with music, i'll give it a shot. And some songs i liked some i didn't. but i still clicked. Well i'm

I hate to be the posterboy for hardcore windows guys selling out to apple, but one of the reasons i switched away from windows was the lack of all the tinkering around i had t do constantly. The last i remember of DLNA was at some point when i was setting up my xbox to stream some dlna content and i spent weeks doing

well in that case im in, ive certainly got the space for it. Now all i need is to eradicate all mosquitos...and bees...and flies...and generally all the annoying bits of outdoors nature.

the only kind of poles i can see supporting the weight of 6 people are telephone/electric poles. Doubt you're finding them in a circle, or anything other than a straight line. If you're talking about digging up holes and putting up your own poles, doubt that would hold the weight of 6 people. What other kind of poles

true that, sorry i was stereotyping to prove my point :) drc is green, so is SA, and i hear tanzania is as well? But theree is a large chunk of africa I imagine the central parts that are very dry and arid. But i could be wrong. I've travelled all over the world but unfortunately never africa.