
So was this some kind of uprising of female exec assistants? Im sure its nothing that simple Maybe someone that knows the context can explain the video to me.

"Because honestly we military people aren't all crazy, beer chugging, imbred idiots (note I did say not ALL there definitely are some)."

thats a very reasonable and well thought out statement. I do understand where you're coming from especially with the symbolism behind the badges and the history. And ultimately whether i agree with you or not, I do really respect that clarity with which you presented the case. Actually made me think about things

"But force is not the objective; force is a tool used to achieve an objective. That's the important thing to remember."

10 hrs battery life for the FULL windows 8 tablet? I thought surface would have better battery life than full win 8, but if this is getting 10 hrs wouldnt surface get a lot more?? this would be amazing even if its 10 hrs!!

ok instead of 99.9% i guess you'd prefer it masked in some subjective term like "the vast majority".

Wow at some point the core audience of this site went from wonderfully intelligent and conscientious to basically a bunch of rednecks screaming "booooyaahhh" as they chug beers or shoot people. Amercuh is just so wonderful sometimes. Jesus brings up a good point and all i hear is dissent that doesn't go deeper than

registered mine. Now gonna register some for my unborn children. Everyone hates an email address with numbers. When they're born in ten years they'll thank me.

So now that its renamed outlook do i get switched to email@outlook.com instead of email@hotmail.com or something?? You mentioned how its embarassing to give out that email address, well does it change anythign if the service is now called outlook even though my email address is still hotmail? What am i gonna do hey my

is there any doubt at this point that apple WILL infact release a redesigned iphone?? I don't know what it will look like, or what the specs will be, just like anybody else out there, but we all know there will be a redesign. If this was the case of the 3gs or 4s i could see some speculation that the design might or

I remember something along the lines of sony being the designer for alot of apple products. Not sure which products, and if that was a rumour, but for a while I know it was a very persistent thing. This ofcourse is before the iphone. Maybe it was relating to their computers - and we all knwo sony has designed some

probably just a mockup? While I'm sure they COULD move the headphone jack to the bottom for whatever reason, I don't see any speaker/mic grill at the bottom flanking the charge port. Maybe its just the contrast on my monitor but i've tried to look and can't find them. Maybe apple is going for the simply discrete pin

I'll concede it really depends on maybe my usage habits back then. I used to be a tinkerer. But was savvy enough to ensure no shady sites or viruses etc. I got a macbook after a bad windows pc experience (a stubborn virus that i could not eradicate for 7 months no matter what i tried), but that was because i realized

my last windows pc was a desktop i used as a makeshift server. I did NOTHING on it except download files from usenet (no torrents no shady sites) and stream them to my xbmc mac mini in living room. One day i accidentally went to goggle.com or something similar instead of google. That was the death of that computer. I

So two little tweaks i'd like if anyone knows how to go about this:

oh now the article makes sense in the context of giz's hate of kickstarter which has now extended to all goods spawned from there.

so what you're saying is you've got an issue with the whole marketing industry? Yes i get it, some of these do sound like a bit of a stretch, but maybe not? From my read of the engadget article earlier during the day it seems one of the goals of this company is to reduce the vibration that speakers get when the volume

enabled handwriting on iphone but doesn't show that squiggle icon in lower right corner its supposed to in order for me to actually start writing.

I was getting the point of this article and whole-heartedly supporting it, and the message of too-easy access to guns in America, but then you had to go and drag the internet into the equation, right at the end in the conclusion, making it sound like you're blaming the internet rather than the generally very loose