
Excellent reference, Dik. YOU GET TO DRINK FROM THE FIRE HOSE!

Show me on this forum where Kinja touched you.

There's a whole thread devoted to it at the Tolerability Index Forum.

Try Bud Dry?

Long live Dom!
[makes sign, considers going outside]

Even if nothing comes out of the investigation, at least the evidence will be largely FOIA-able.

"Believe me, I can get 25-carat gold. Don't get me that 24-carat shit."

Like the story that Obama's trip to Mumbai that was "costing" US taxpayers $200M a day?

Now that my kids are super interested in Star Wars, I don't see my interest waning anytime soon. Gjetostbusty doesn't enjoy SW, so it's nice to have people to talk to about it, even if the discussion often devolves into "who would beat who in a fight" questions, like my favorite, "Chewie vs. Shelob, who do you think,

I'm my own best friend.

I remember thinking Guido Sarducci was funny when I was a wee lad.

You are SO beautiful, my Baron. Your skin, love to me. Your diseases lovingly cared for, for all eternity.

[Hari Seldon stirs in grave]

Whatever it is in sanskrit pronounced backwards if memory serves.

And then unceremoniously thrown into the Bannon, I mean, Rancor pit.

How'd you manage to find that? Floyd Barber found it too.

Like any employer fearful of a violent outburst, the news was broken on a Friday afternoon.

I feel bad for her, maybe I'll send a bouquet of flours.

You're so transparent, man. Let's just call him what he is, a glass tiger.