
There were two songs that seemed to be in almost constant play during my driver's education course. Four Non Blondes' What's Up and the David Crosby/Phil Collins song "Hero". I dislike them both now, but I have fond memories of driver's education.

[Sir Topham Hat looks watches through @disqus_s16c0Syk3X:disqus 's window]

[government agent reads post]
Yea, let's start a "rumor".

[punches keys on TI-85]

I like reminding people that they have kidneys and a liver to do that.

In all instances would be dangerous.

She's treating him like Poison Ivy….2.

I'm a tall, slim guy with blonde hair. Dodged that bullet.

[Trump requests taking out wall separating the kitchen and living room on Air Force One]

You'd never hear a real Kinja approaching.

[Jed and Matt have located their father at the Soviet 'Re-education' camp]
I was hard on you when you was growin' up. I did things that made you hate me. Now, you can see why I did. I don't want no more tears shed for me, ya hear? I'm not gonna be there for you now, you gotta look out for each other…

Is Daniel Stern narrating Han's childhood?

You didn't guess it…Frank Stallone.

I tried a Southern Comfort Old Fashioned sweet this weekend. It was delicious.

He's going full method Lionel Hutz.
"Excuse me, Judge, these won't be ready until Thursday."

Correction: Always down for some monster on monster violence action.

I am in no position to judge what others enjoy; I like Coach.

[Lewis Black reads comment, relaxes]

I'd like to buy an A.
Naggers. Since school got out, it's been "can I have a sandwich", "dad, I'm bored".

That's no synergistical cross-vertical entertainment experience…it's a space station.