
A colleague started in on the whole "Clinton Body Count" theory today. No amount of facts can convince him otherwise.

Upvoted for Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo reference.

It's baseball, right?

Something that simultaneously jeopardizes Republican control of House/Senate and is actually terrible enough that the base will be okay with impeachment.

Garth: "Or say you want to go to Texas..Howdy partners lets raise and rope broncos!"
Wayne: "Or imagine being able to be magically whisked away to…Delaware….Hi, Im in Delaware."

Whey to go, Fuller…another dairy pun thread.

Favorite part: When his character's wife gives him permission to leave the hospital near the end and we see him running down the stairs with that intense/joyous look on his face. Sums up his character in about 5 seconds.

I've never been a huge fan of her acting, but I watched The Wild Horses of Mongolia (2008 - PBS) in which she "lives among the nomads of Mongolia and discovers their special relationship with the wild horse" and she was an absolute delight to watch interact with the host family. By far my favorite work she's done.

Napping With The Enemy

twogreattastes' wife will be in her bunk.

The Alberta Separatist Party!? We're the Separatist Party of Alberta!

Top Gun 2: Below the Hard Deck

I'm hoping that he ended up being a truck driver, like in the commercial, but when the United States is confronted with an enemy using 1980s fighter technology, the US Navy called him out of retirement.

When I gave Gjetostbusty the news that a sequel was likely on the way (she loved the first one), she insisted on giving me a high five a la the volleyball scene.

It reads like someone watched Loverboy one too many times and switched prostitution (sometimes dancing) with drugs.

My FD gets our county's burn trailer for the entire month of June. Really looking forward to it.

Nice try, Brad. We've all seen your Sister, Sister poster on your bedroom wall.

Well, thank you very much.