
Oh god that's gross.

Fighting the urge to puke.

Or the notion that he's so "lucky" to be surrounded by a coven of squawking hens because bitches, amirite.

Not to be too off-topic, but I'm semi-surprised that I've never seen Jezebel address how the FoxNews show Outnumbered uses the hashtag #Oneluckyguy to refer to the one man they rotate through that show. It's so clearly referring to the notion that he's so "lucky" to be surrounded by hot chicks and maybe, just maybe,

I wake up in the morning and I step outside and I take a deep breath and I get real high

Why doesn't she sue the Enquirer as well since they originally posted it?

Truth be told, those same germs are probably on everything in the store. Including door handles and shopping carts.

We made national news! Arkansan here.

Um Jamie was on The Bachelor season 16 with Ben Flajnik as well as Bachelor Pad. You may remember her as the girl who had a terrible kiss with Ben and was promptly sent home. Even Married at First Sight can't escape reality TV repeats.

That was pretty much my reaction, too, and I also found myself dwelling on the sense of disenfranchisement she must have been living with, something that is so common amongst the mentally-ill these days. Even in big urban areas, they often feel cut off from society.

Um...please elaborate.