I think the first photo is near the beginning of the movie - after they catch the astronaut and then bring him to the base... but I have not seen it in a while - funny movie I wish I had discovered earlier though - lol - ended up watching all the weird nazi movies on netflix therafter - wish I had avoided the at the…
*Iron Sky. . .
*but this. . .
*how it looks to me thinking about what You so cleverly pointed out about that simple male... here is how I see him: (unfortunately)
(*fixed that shit for You)
*the shit kind of used to work on Humans back in the candy flipping XTC days of Gainesville - lol "got vics??? GOT VICS!!!???"
*my wedding album which cost about $4500 is now on display at the office of jon scott photography in Boca raton FL (thx J"""nn- He already kept a copy for himself after we did it) - if one wants to see what a overpriced sad thing actually entails... just putting it out there - though He is an AWESOME photographer down…
*and this
*possibly the residuals from how many copies of "Gia" are about to be sold since the Enquirer thing happened back when that movie came out ?
Watched the video - looked carefully at the photos - lemme ask this - if She is doing Heroin - why are Her eyes not pinned like when ANYBODY does any large amount of Opiate ?
yea but lets go way back and suggest the thing where season two of Bachelor got snubbed by Jenny Scheft and then She became the (?) bachelorette right ? lol - not surprising at all for anyone from French Hollow in Mentor Ohio .... but anyway that is all the celebrity gossip I got - anybody remember this thing?
*so on a related note - this one time in Gainesville Florida (the hated FLORIDA)