
I so hoped this was a FL Man story...

*and that one time at SeaWOrld camp I .....


then the creep stealing ones laundry from the laundry area . . .clothes make the . . . oh there it is...


*it is all about boners in 'merica....


cool reply thank You

hey I just went to "Camp Fitch" and knew a couple of them back thirty years ago... I will assume You are the correct one here - I just wanted to bring the Fitch part to this discussion.

Here is a reason to own a shotgun if I ever saw one....

*agree so much

*right pay to get access....fuck that I hope AMazon buys them in a hostile takeover

*FYI Pretty Little Liars just got season four added to Netflix today : )

"The perfect room to pretend to be Liberace."

Miley needs an all white cast so the next round of drama can go with a "she is a nazi now" critique of her performance. . .


*but when are the Female equivalent coming - I mean ILF (FLeshlight) ought to be able to make a thing for ... oh fuck me running - lol but here

*innocent of doing nothing correctly or properly.... fuck terry richardson

*but ...the bible said that time the guy fucked his daughters... so child sex possibly ok ... and yea I puked reading the other article too..