I guess one good thing about Oklahoma being behind the times is we still use the paper ballot that you fill in a square and then stick it a reader machine...how quaint.
I guess one good thing about Oklahoma being behind the times is we still use the paper ballot that you fill in a square and then stick it a reader machine...how quaint.
Are we even sure he’s actually reading anything, and not, instead, having someone pipe the whole speech to him through a hidden earpiece, narrated by someone who sounds exactly like him, so he believes he’s actually thinking it all up in real time?
Say the guy funded by the Mercers, the Kochs and a motherfucking hostile foreign power. God I hate these assholes so much.
Stop the chants? Hell, if they changed the chant mid-rally to “Blow! Her! Up!” he’d probably lap it up with that big stupid grin on his face.
I guess it’s fine when Adelson and Kock do it.
Haven’t you figured out yet that Jeff Flake is running for president? The news media gets it. That’s why they keep asking him for his shitty ass opinion on everything these days.
Also, everyone should be prepared to hit the streets for massive demonstrations when Trump refuses to recognize the results of this election.
The Orange shitstain is holding another fucking Nazi rally in Wisconsin tonight. Will he stop the fascists in the audience from shouting “CNN Sucks!” and “LOCK HER UP!”, or will he continue to support terrorism in his homeland in order to perpetuate the mythical crisis of fear invented to gin up his base into keeping…
Goddamn, these people are evil.
And let’s add to that:
I was predicting this tomorrow, but they went there already.
Can people stop asking Jeff Flake for comment?
Yesterday Libby said Democrats should run on a more inspiring platform e.g. government sponsored health insurance for all. Today she said government sponsored health insurance is good and saves lives. You gotta be some sort of brain genius to see this as somehow contradictory.
Why do you think that? All the GOP proposals have exceptions for those over 50, which is their primary constituencies.
Yeah, faith in an organization means you think they will do what they promise. Amazon promises me that I can order anything I can possibly think of and get it delivered to me in a couple days. They do that really well.
The have faith that Amazon will get them the shit they ordered.
When Kanye West is sitting at the United Nations, you’re going to eat those words.