Pharmacists are libel for prescriptions filled. You would not believe how often doctors give deadly drug interactions. Mostly because specialists refuse to look at what other specialists prescribe.
Pharmacists are libel for prescriptions filled. You would not believe how often doctors give deadly drug interactions. Mostly because specialists refuse to look at what other specialists prescribe.
Both work
It stopped being unfortunate word choice when rather than saying “opps sorry didn’t think of context let me rephrase” he got defensive and attacked while trying to spin it as liberals being unreasonable about him using racist expressions
Thankfully there is “out of your god damn fucking mind” to easily substitute
Same for me. Was said a lot in my small white midwest hometown. Never really put two and two together. Kind of feel stupid now
I haven’t heard it since I was old enough that adults couldn’t get pissed off at me for swearing. Honestly I never considered the racial implications when I used it as a kid. Being white living in whites ville USA in the midwest. Soon as I read this story there was a big “ooohhhh so that’s why all those old white…
Megadeath... I’M pretty sure Republicans are pushing for a Gigadeath with some of their war hawking
2nd amendment nut jobs... this is what standing up to a tyrannical government is. Not walking around in public with AR-15s or playing paintball with your buddies.
All my dogwhistle rural family members (including my father) are going to be getting them for birthdays
Every one of those politicians withba confederate flag on display should be arrested for treason! Elected officials displaying support for an armed revolt that killed American soldiers. Yet because we live in bizzaro world they pass themselves off as pro troop
God how many times does it have to be said...... RUNNING IS NOT A CAPITAL OFFENCE!!!
The anti-vaxxer?
Don’t worry all the people who defended cake makers rights to refuse service to gay people will have this restaurant’s back for exercising right to refuse service..... any moment now.....
Consistently post election demographics show (especially in mid terms) older white voters turn out in higher proportion than other group. Bring out a larger proportion of minority and younger voters and you will see a more representative vote of the American people. Remember Trump was voted in by less than 25% of the…
Only thing missing is the tattoo tracking numbers.
Wait, a bunch of Bros thought a sarcastic and irrelevant response to a seriously tragic story was “funny”? They all look like the kind of guys who saw that video of frat boys on the bus singing that horrible song and that “wow damn glad no one recorded us back in the day”
Your cynicism is so cool. Smugness at those suffering while standing back is just as monstrous as the people who lock the kids in cages.
I feel like the national enquirer is being criticized and treated as a serious new organization.
See we’re not splitting families up anymore. We are securing all of them together. Concentrating the immigrant families in, let’s call them, camps! While we have them there we should put them to work so they aren’t draining our precious resources.... wait wait why are you calling me a Nazi? That's so mean!! I’m just…
Roughly half of eligible voters didn’t turn out in 2016. Fucking vote people! Even with gerrymandering if a larger turnout happened the republican party can be broken. Scared the Democrats enough by destroying their opposition. Then you can look at getting viable multi party options in place. But it all starts with…