Just like most other sharez sites, it merely is the middleman. They "can't control what people put onto their site". But now, this law can get them, technically.
"Think about that for a second: 30 gigabytes. That's almost an allowance of a terabyte of bandwidth per month. What are you going to download?"
Not trolling here, but what makes a "Business Laptop" good for business? Sounds sort of weird...
Going off of the ones at school, I'd say its more like 1 in 3 or 2. Ridiculously pitiful. However, they are some of HP's lower end models.
Mind explaining how the 4th dimension works then?
I think not, since it looks like a mediafire link. Could be a phishing attempt, but I highly doubt it.
In the US, Grooveshark really is the best choice if you ask me. I know that you have Spotify across the pond, so I would pick that if I could. Unfortunately, if you don't want to jailbreak your phone (God knows why), Rdio and MOG are great as well. Then you have the freebies like Google music and Amazon, but I don't…
It doesn't. Shouldn't really be on the list
Nice, well described answer. Makes sense as, I figured it had something to do with Twitter. Thanks a lot!
Excuse mah ignorance, but what is a URL shortener useful for?
Perception Filter
What if though... Maybe they ran a news story on Amelia Pond...
The low-res image makes my eyes hurt...
That is "lots of awesome"
Welcome to buying a TV. Most people won't buy a used TV as they really are dirt cheap nowadays (assuming you don't buy name brand). I wish somebody would have told me that five years ago... I feel guilty getting a new TV when this one is perfectly good, just very, very out of date.
This is too cool. Articles like this are what make Gizmodo stand out from the rest. Also, I think the concept is really neat.
I read this entire conversation like it was in South Park...
I just found this out two days ago. There HAS to be a connection. "Time of Angels"/"Flesh of Stone" is probably the most important River Song episode in terms of how much we learn of her past. Soooo, I believe that it is no coincidence that there is a connection in both the Headless Monks and the cleric-marines,