
Truly amazing stuff right here. Makes me excited for the next decade of technology to come.

@kevins6: Asa high school student, I can for sure say it can only help. At first I wouldn't because you should want to establish a dominance over the class. But once you get their respect, open up a bit with references to the stuff. Don't be overly aggressive with it, but I can honestly say some of the coolest

@EljhHck: Turned it a couple weeks ago

@DangerousLiberal: Because this is a science blog? No, its a tech blog, but still many key news stories make their way onto the site. Jesus is not a scientist, he makes money off of people reading his blog. He took a big story, and put it on his site. Yes the article wasn't written with science in mind, but nontheless

I hate being a sports fan cuz its honestly the only reason I continue to have cable... Now with this.. ugh

I love all the idiots who say this is not revolutionary at all, or its not "New Life" or who gives a fuck. Anyone who has every studied biology, chemistry, or hell, any type of science, realizes this is groundbreaking stuff right here. The rest are either uneducated morons, or are English majors with no insight on

@Queazan: "Don't be retarded. THINK about what you post before you open your damn mouth to post it"

@KamWrex: I agree, but still exteremly amazing to say the least

I don't wan't to pay since TV subscription models hardly cost nearly as much for the networks as they charge

@Alexander Riccio: Well they knowingly recieved them after this: [] stole them. So that is illegal too, but not nearly as illegal as treason, which both of the parties: the thief and the website, are guilty of.

@ackthbbft: I'm pretty sure Freedom of the Press does not apply to "Classified" and "Secret" Government documents.

@raysfamous: I bet it uses this technology:

I feel so cool because we did this in chemistry class. Something about the oxidation of Iron...

@Helvetica: It's all in the spice, man.

Are you kidding? I mean I'm no scientist by any means, but come on. This is fucking ridiculous. It's preety obvious that the 53.1% is due to random guessing. Humans cannot tell the future... that's just fucking dumb.

@Bisnicks: and we'd try to get them stuck in the foam ceiling panels...

@MiltoxBeyond: else why upgrade? Apples done this forever with the iPhone

Apple TV just went on my Christmas list.