
@tylerbrainerd: $30 of Raman noodles could feed an entire dorm at any university for one day. Please, give all you can.

@xsbs: Never mind... its not the portable one...

@xsbs: could you tell me if its worth picking up this instead of a passport. I heard Elements are sorta cheapy quality.

@Mike43110: Very true haha, but just saying Jobs will never add porn apps just to make money.

I use this app all the time. I don't really see a need to update it anyway. Waste of resources imho

@Everybody: I think your taking it a bit far. Sure, why don't they release these apps? Its not because of the App Store. It's because they haven;t yet. Why? I don't know... They sound practical, but i personally wouldn't use any and sound like they would be downright expensive.

@Mike43110: I've read in the comments here before that Apple makes very little from iTunes and the App Store

It looks great for what Blackberry is: a business oriented phone. Good for them. I hope it gets on some decent phones and does well.

@Everybody: This is where I disagree. There is nothing illegal about what Apple's doing. They have the right to perform quality control on their App Store. Its THEIRS. Developers agree to this when they sign up to become a Developer. Its all in the agreement, so technically nobody can really do anything can they?

@PoG: On what exactly? Segways? Lazy people on Segways?

So the most practical use for this is for optioning copyrighted material?

Can I enable ProSwitcher for multitasking and disable Apple's stock one? I'm loving 4.0, but moved back to 3.1.3 recently because I really hated having to quit every app after I used it

Looks nice, very nice. Hopefully the slowness is fixed. There's a lot of potential there

@Zanzan42: I wouldn't be too sure, Jobs/Jesus wouldn't be too happy knowing he isn't the only one anymore.


What exactly can these corporations use this information for??

@MJDeviant: very good use of a forbidden meme