
Oh It's So Racist to Make people Show Their I.D. to vote... I mean I have to show it to buy Beer, Go to a Club, Check out A Library Book, etc etc but to Vote for the Person who can Make Laws & Decide The Future of My Kids & Healthcare etc etc Ohhh that's RACIST to Expect People to Verify Citizenship For THAT Stupid

An even more important app

PSA: Please contact NYPD if you have any info

They run because they are involved in criminal activity and they want to continue with said criminal activity in the future.

It appears that a lot of police officers think that being led in a car chase justifies them beating the shit out of Black people once they’ve caught up with them.

So, this guy is a lost soul?

Your problem here is that you are thinking. You are reaching rational conclusions based upon evidence. We discourage that sort of thing around here. Which is why the motive for this attack is still “unclear”.

So you are saying he had a bad day?

I think it had more to do with him actively trying to kill the officers. I’m not exactly outraged about his death. There are many more instances of police shootings that highlight racial inequality when it comes to black people dying at the hands of police. This isn’t one of them. 

Just another Democratic pro-criminal socialist terrorist. His skin color is irrelevant. He felt aggrieved and ignored and took his shot. Within reason, governments need to address their citizens concern or events like this will just continue to happen.

Suspect was male with blue shirt 

We hate it cuz its bullshit propaganda by dumbass SJW’s

I’m a loyal Democrat, born and raised in a Democratic family, and I believe Democrats will NEVER win another national election if they dishonor the Founding Fathers. Critical Race Theory better not go there or it’ll be a BIG problem for Democrats.

CRT takes a giant shit on Martin Luther King Jr. Only the delusion or gaslighting liars deny it. It is nothing more than reverting back to what humanity did its entire existence before the civil rights movement. Judging everyone based on skin color. That was the normal for all of human history. Then MLK made a

White Fragility is nothing more than a kafka trap (Of course a witch would deny being a witch! BURN HER!) created by a self professed racist piece of garbage.

Take something as simple as college admission, for instance. People who “don’t see color” insist that we should only use neutral, merit-based metrics such as SAT scores and grades. However, Critical Race Theory acknowledges that SAT scores are influenced by socioeconomic status, access to resources and school quality.

People hate Critical Race Theory because it is racist Marxist bullshit.  It’s really not that hard to understand.

Critical Race Theory would have us believe that racism is the reason those kids can’t read and so they should be granted college scholarships as a means to equality.  Basic standards held by society no longer matter.  It is only race that determines worth.

There are any number of scholarly criticisms of Critical Race Theory which you, as usual, ignore in order to frame reality within your personally established biases.