
IANAL but the international Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works states that all such works are implicitly copyrighted upon their creation, even in the absence of an explicit copyright notice, public domain notice, or copyright registration. (Educational institutions may use

@mgtube: "it's still a CG marvel for it's time"

Is it so difficult to CGI synthetic objects and environments?

Ugh. For $3, Skyfire does video after several seconds delay, doesn't scrub (lame excuse), doesn't do games. Just dump Flash already. Pornhub, get with the movement.

This would explain why the Rangers choked.

@tundraboy: Desert coolers are close to this.

I didn't understand the award of a Nobel Prize for graphene, when tremendous utility hasn't been proven yet and possibly will never be the case.

Along with sausage and laws, add the Revue to the list of things people shouldn't see how they're made.

The kids are in college now and the pics were taken the last time the sun shone in Seattle.

The Gates family still has its fortunes tied up in that company, what's its name again?

@johni10281: Losing GPU performance would be a big deal, not to be belittled. And mainboard real estate is also at a premium in the MBA. The C2Ds used in the new MBAs are ULV, too, by the way.

"Let's just get it out of the way: Windows Phone 7 is the most exciting thing to happen to phones in a long time."

Here is why C2D is better used instead of Core i3:

Not energy efficient! A sphere has the maximum surface area to volume ratio. A sphere requires the most building materials to enclose a given volume and leaks heat the most per volume. For energy efficiency in a home, avoid curved surfaces and shapes that approximate a sphere.

@Wade McGillis: The situation is even worse with devices that also support Flash. In spite of all the bluster from Adobe and others concerning mobile Flash support coming real soon now, Balsillie should be thankful RIM products still don't support Flash.

@PierceTheVin: Really, you've never seen a Flash-based ad or Flash-based game?

@idledpolkapeel: uses HTML5 and is perfectly usable on the iPhone/iPad (as is the YouTube app). Hulu content also generally falls in the trash category—very little is must-see TV.

@jurrasix: Maybe it's because nobody in the industry knows what to do without direction from Apple and Jobs.

@iScuba: Rubin proved only that Android is a tamagotchi for geeks.

@Brad Roth: "If Steve Jobs thinks 7" is too small for a positive user experience using a tablet computer..."