
@sirmeili: of course, one can't know for sure, but the iPhone stats fall off more slowly to the right. :-)

@patranus: Are you pinin' for the fjords?

@BadPlasmid: Shameful, isn't it! And even if the small sample is representative, the data suggest iPhone users regularly use more apps than do users of Android and the rest.

Ah, yes, the same groundbreaking mushy keys!

That looks to be a bright (not dark) continuous wave, argon ion laser in the photo.

Q: Which is more important, carrier or phone hardware?

Apple doesn't mind others' ads. Apple just doesn't want AdMob to track iOS users. This is a dig at Big Brother, Goople.

The title of this article doesn't match its content.

Impressively *puny* 30 lumen output.

@Slinkit: It would matter for the antennas if they were wrapped in conductive material, but not in rubber or plastic.

Major FrontRow update: 75%