
Still not too late to invade it and take it over...

To be fair I didn’t see it either in the video. The train came in too fast.

No you are just being ridiculous but I’ll play.


Why is it despicable? It’s no different from differentiating between tall/short, skin color, eye color, or any other physical trait. I personally have no issue with female success and I frankly don’t care what gender you are if you are successful. I do care if you BS a lot tho, which Hillary is a pro at.

Laws and regulations were made to protect us. We as humans inherently don’t have any morals/ethics. Society creates those morals and ethics. We like to blame stuff other than ourselves as most people can’t face the fact. Just like we sometimes have the desire to help/protect we also at times have the desire to

All you people complaining about your parents just realize you don’t choose your parents but your friends. There’s no reason not to look at your parents objectively the same reason you do everyone else in life.

So while the Pizza shop guy was the catalyst to censorship of fake news, how come this story isn’t a catalyst to censor fake stories?

Yes more tips on how to stalk and harass pls I would like to know how to hack into other people Facebook next

Cuz they aren’t called Teflon Clintons for no reason. The Clintons have so much support and power throughout the world that they are invincible. It was a miracle the election wasn’t rigged by them. And the reason it wasn’t rigged was probably because the polls predicted a landslide win for them so no need to rig.

I think a another question may be why is Beyonce appropriating white culture and having blonde straight hair? Is she supporting Nazis and the Aryan race? Donald Trump has very similar hair type.

Wikhow editor isn’t in the business to make art. He’s in the business to write howtos. No point in spending 1 million hours on artwork.

If the crimes were the same how come Snowden and Assange both weren’t pardoned or removed off the hitlist yet huh?

I read the news, follow all sorts of people on social media, and the majority of people who complain about social issues and speak the loudest tend to be unattractive or unsuccessful.

lol how are my ideas racist and sexist in anyway? In fact, you are probably more racist and sexist than me. The fact that I differentiate between different types of women (hot and successful vs not) and minorities (successful and not) already proves that I don’t paint with a broad brush.

Celebrities get criticized for everything but let’s be honest many women dislike Kim K because they for some reason feel like intelligence should correlate more with success than physical attraction - which is an absurd line of reasoning. Using the same thought, some men like to complain about athletes because they

Uhhh nope.

I can’t remember last time KimK complain about something. Meanwhile half the internet despises KimK cuz she’s successful for being attractive.

I mean it kinda sucks to live in the viewpoint of an unsuccessful minority - watching every movie and complaining why the Asian character isn’t a tough manly lead character or a Black character is always the one that dies. Normal individuals just watch the movie for the show/entertainment.

I had IBS for a bit and started drinking Kefir and took Florastor in hopes that it would help. Didn’t do shit.