Gizmodo Group Manager #3

You mean I’ll appear professional in a professional setting? The horror.

gives me continued hope for our sad little proto-fascist nation here between Mexico and Canada.

Yes, they are dependents. They are dependent on business owners offering a cash economy. They are dependent on our infrastructure that they do not pay for. They are dependent on assistance our tax dollars pay for. They live here, lowering wages in the process, and pay no taxes. How can you call them independent?

“14 Heartbreaking Photos That Will Make You Say ‘Fuck Having Borders and Law and Rules’”

A. Separation happens only if officials find that the adult is falsely claiming to be the child’s parent, or is a threat to the child, or is put into criminal proceedings. Perhaps they could apply for and obtain asylum before illegally crossing the border.

“Police say former NFL player Kellen Winslow II spent months targeting older women for crimes, including two women he kidnapped and raped.

an acclaimed clarinet teacher who only takes two students a year.

Excellent platitude. Illegal refers to their status on being in the country, not their humanity. Conflating these two things is a useless tactic for unserious people.

Interesting admission, so did you have a misappropriated sense of authority as well when you wrote:

100% agree. Though, we may have a different version of suspension of disbelief. My point was that the first few items (paranormal regenerative healing and resilience) serve the game’s mechanics, whereas the other two are about the setting. It’s part of the suspension of disbelief that we don’t die from what would

Lol what a rag. Opinion: Resistance to leftist attacks on free speech is somehow itself an attack on free speech.

That article is sort of odd because the author is, apparently, responding to some dispute in South Africa where someone/some group was questioning whether white genocide is right.

Right, I’m with you now. I’m not quite sure what BIM’s point was meant to be on the issue of tax rates. But the overall point I was trying to make is that whether we’ve taxed the hell out of people or didn’t, tackling poverty is more a question of policy than funding. We’ve tried tons of policies, most of which were

If he only had a brain.

“Halp state plz take care of our societal ills”
- Self-described Anarchist

Yet another article about this situation which seems to miss the actual context of this vote. I’m not going to waste time spelling it out again here except to say that the council voted, received intense and immediate backlash from their constituents, and reversed course a month later out of fear of getting voted out.

If this guy wasn’t on the FBI watch list before, he certainly is now...And rightfully so. Thanks for your service pal, but just because YOU chose that direction doesn’t mean you can talk about bringing down the very Democracy to swore to uphold while carrying a weapon.

I’m mad they didn’t do this too, but I have to admit I chuckled a bit at a self-described anarchist going on a rant that is essentially “The state needs to do something about this very pressing problem”.

I hope someone helps him get the treatment he needs.