Gizmodo Group Manager #3

Pat would you rather get Nazi tattoos in prison, thus indicating your allegiance with the AB or be an anti-racist in prison where all groups despise you equally?

muh whataboutism.

tell me when the Amish steal half the state’s daycare budget like our Somali friends did in Minnesota

weird, why wasn’t that international news like the Gumba yelling at the black woman on the LIRR?

Christian jokes aren’t exactly edgy any more now are they

this is literally you

Now playing

If you ignore the context of his moving away as soon as apartheid ended, then that’s a qualified yes

Did he have a choice in being an Afrikaner?

Is he an oppressor simply for existing as a White South African?

Yes or No?

how is Elon Musk an Oppressor? By existing?

this is literal Kafka trapping. Holy shit, do you have any self awareness?

because Saint Obama lowered the standards, as per usual.

If the goods haven’t been delivered, then they don’t belong to Home Depot

There are lots of methodological considerations that his paper on police violence ignored that someone who knew more about the issue might have taken into account.

okay Ahmed


you mean North America, Europe and Japan right?

Jewish South Africans and my family was heavily involved in the anti-apartheid movement.

How weird is it that the only music service that I pay for SoundCloud?

Should I be locked in a straitjacket?

I see an Iron Cross, Hammer an Sickle, Hydra Pin? ANything else?

Classic Edgelord

for all the complaints about “gas lighting” by the media, this maneuver, seen in so many left wing publications, is probably the most egregious and blatant.

What a myopic view. The US and Western Europe hasnt been above replacement levels in like 20 fucking years.

Where do you think population growth is coming from? And how much do we enable it?