Gizmodo Group Manager #3

Damn, those White Vans at it again. Entitled racist creatures victimizing the poor visible minority in Canada. Can we please kick out all racist White Vans from this continent?

Wow what a Christaphobe

except the problem is the reasons why they didn’t recommend charges does not at all square with the language within the actual law, furthermore the fact that they drafted Hilary’s exoneration before they interviewed her was shitty as well.

wah Obama broke campaign fund laws when he was elected. He got a fine and a slap on the wrist for not knowing where $2 million dollars came from.

Find a better hill to die on.

lol dude the Dossier wasn’t started until Steele got involved. And Steele was only involved when the Clinton campaign hired Fusion GPS.

stop maliciously spreading misinformation.

DNC brainstorming session:

“We could let Mueller do his work and be confident that in the end he will find some collusion connection between Trump and Putin and from there we can go fo -”


stop retconning, Trump wasn’t the war mongerer in this past election.

Sorry, not to be picky about it, but aren’t wages.... kind of... if you think about it... a profit-sharing scheme? Like, a pretty big one, with a whole formal infrastructure and whole companies dedicated to payroll, and things?

Nah, progs don’t get push cultural relativism when it suits their interests in de-constructing, what once was “Western Values”, and then enact their Cultural Imperialism on others once those Progs have established their “values”.

Whats good for the goose and all. There is no objective truth everything is relative - at

Ted Kennedy’s first run was for U.S. Senate. Democrats still view both of those guys as heroes to this day.

“simpleton takes”

“fighting for the liberation of her country”

Talk about simpleton takes bud


Ah yes, all her sins shall be washed away. Do all “liberators” get their crimes swept under the rug? Does it matter that Winnie employed the necklacing executions against fellow black south africans.

huh guess not, just a humble liberator

To add, never mind the dick sucking on the 10 plus articles on this family of websites for a literal killer and Red Terrorist Winnie Mandela.

The descent to becoming mindless reactionaries is still in full force I see.

even though Comey had defended his former deputy Andrew McCabe, who, in McCain’s words, was “fired for lying”

California lacks affordable housing and has a homeless crisis. You can draw a straight line from the housing shortage to the affordable housing crisis to the homeless crisis

yeah I feel like people are pretending that we wouldn’t be knee shit in Syria if Hilldawg was President.
