Gizmodo Group Manager #3

Bush and Obama got around that, by making border patrol do all the federal enforcement and letting the military handle “support” and surveillance or whatever.

Equity is all the rage, havent you heard?

Whoa man, if like only all the workers of the world united or something.

Your utopian platitudes are irrelevant to practicable solutions. And mass amnesty for 11+ million people is simply not on the table, especially in light of the brazen lies Democrats have told the American people over the past 50 fucking years

It has worked out well on the aggregate. That is not to say that we should have full blown social darwinism, but the first actionable step to take is to admit that egalitarian, equitable, progressive policies, are in fact, against human nature.

Can’t move forward if you cannot identify the problem.

citizenship is not to be gained through adverse possession, even more so when fraud is involved for the vast majority of these people as well.

by first acknowledging that egalitarianism is a revolt against nature.