
he did try to get points with garrosh hellscream..but again, not a current leader.

Or that Gul Dukat was the prefect of Bajor? Come on Gary, get your shit together. This isn’t 2138.

You make a great point. There is a fascinating article on about Trump’s and his supporters’ relationship with the truth (i.e.: he lies all the time). And it shows that it actually doesn’t matter that he lies, that his supporters do in fact know that he lies but they don’t care.

Same reaction for me. I feel like if I had eaten them in the blind I would have had no idea they were intended to be cheese flavored, but they were tasty none-the-less!

I think you may have miscalculated in your Bulbasaur evolution example- you’d need to walk 75 km to evolve in to Ivysaur, and an additional 300 km to hit Venosaur (14 times the length of Manhattan)


I’m also glad someone pointed this out or else I would have a problem continuing to Kinja with you people, because you’re bastard people.

I actually, genuinely, un-ironically enjoyed that entire movie.

Unfortunately, in Pennsylvania, a judge must offer bail unless the defendant is charged with an offense punishable by death or life imprisonment (or at least, that’s what Google is telling me).

They asked him, pretty please, to stay away from the woman he kidnapped and tortured. What more were they supposed to do.

it’s still real to me DAMMIT !

Some people play on competitive because the average player on competitive is better, so it’s more fun., I play on competitive for fun, not to win, I don’t care if I win or lose. Non-competitive is far too easy and bullshitty.

I disagree, botting affects more players than limiting players going on 13 hour xp sprees.

I agree with Jypsy.

If you have watched the whole XY even before the League starts happening, it wasn’t boring. the plot started removing irrelevant things like old characters and Pokemon to make it a pseudo-reboot where Ash could grow as a protagonist again. The episodes did different approaches, and the filler

So basically make the main character John Cena? xD (As far as the never giving up part. John Cena has won a lot apparently...)

Ash became unrelateable for me when I realize he’s never going to grow up or mature. (Around when Misty left)

Exactly. Ever since I was in school I’ve always come 2nd or 3rd. Even in professional exams I’ve scored really good marks but never been in the top 50 or anything like that. But I and my parents have always been content with that.