
Oh no doubt, I just don’t agree with the stance that IW was meant for children.

I’m gonna be that guy...these movies are not designed for kids under 12, and even at 12 they already are getting hyped for “what’s next”. They see trailers, they are on the internet.

I don’t really see these as kid’s films. The first avengers, maybe? Spider-man Homecoming could be argued, but I don’t see it. The

And is rewarded for doing so.
So yeah.

So here we go.

3% or GFTO

You also aren’t a lawyer attached to the president.

Then again if you are.....


Yep! Good call there!

Are you blatantly ignoring GTA online? That is where there money comes from, all microtransactions.

Blasphemy. I had this a long time ago.

To be honest it has been that way for a while. The indies drive the clever concepts that AAA titles adapt eventually.

I have been making this same argument for a couple years now, and it doesn’t get through to people.

Here’s the reality: The Vocal Minority of gamers don’t like loot boxes, and they will take everything down with them in a fiery blaze if it means getting what they want.

Look at the hot coffee and violent video games

This is right on the money.

This is where things get murky, and people dig their heels in even harder.

In games like Rocket League, you can trade some items, and some are harder to get than others, so there have been sites and groups that will sell you those items instead, thus creating a grey market. The developers have zero control over the

I seriously would love to have these again. been working on my POG collection again, nowhere near its former glory.

The game launched without microtransactions. They were available in beta, but not since launch. you literally have not been able to purchase things since launch with real money.

I blame it on people taking that stupid forum post that broke down the 1000+ hours to unlock everything BS as gospel.

I’d wear these if they didn’t have the fuzz on them. They look awkward as hell.

There was never a way to purchase in-game things with real money. The game launched worldwide without microtransactions. You could still buy things with in-game credits, however, which were earned by playing.

It really bothers me how often I hear “GOOD I CAN PLAY IT NOW SINCE THEY TOOK OUT MICROTRANSACTIONS!!” when