
I bought a starter set a couple years ago at gencon, tried to learn from the rulebook and got nowhere.
Then I bought another one online....which is still sitting in the shrinkwrap.

I bought a starter set a couple years ago at gencon, tried to learn from the rulebook and got nowhere.
Then I bought

So here is my thing with GW2, I started out my Asura Engineer with a friend that no longer is around, and we did tons of the timed events, bosses and things like that which were TONS of fun. The rest of the time was spent doing random missions here and there, harvesting for crafting jewelry and such.
I hit 80 and the

I have an older fire tablet, my son stopped caring since he couldn’t watch youtube on it, is this still the case?

I have an older fire tablet, my son stopped caring since he couldn’t watch youtube on it, is this still the case?

If Ted Nugent can be invited, I don’t think there is any standard stopping anyone else anymore.

I really wish I knew enough about Kamen Rider to pull something similar out of the internets for you, but my knowledge starts at Wizard and ends at uhhh Wizard pretty much.

This, oh my god this.

How are you (As someone who doesn’t pay for cosmetics) paying the price with interest?

The game is the same whether or not you have a pretty blue bow on your helmet, so where is the problem? Those that want it, pay for it. Those that don’t aren’t forced to.

Bring it. I miss this one so much.

I am reasonably sure that FB uses your searches and clicks on the page to show you people you may know. So if you FB stalk someone not on your friends list, I imagine it makes note of that, then if you look at their friends, same thing. Then I am sure it weighs if you visit that non-friends profile multiple times,

It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.

My takeaway is she was channeling the frustration many of us all feel.
I normally don’t take advice from late night comedy, as I disagree that we should not be protesting nazis, but then again, comedy is more logical than reality these days.

I was one of the founders of Cardhalla way back in t99 when gencon was still in Milwaukee.

Because you can swim in any pool, you don’t have to be playing SUPER JUMPING DUDE 3 (REMIX EDITION) on the NINTENDO SWITCH.

Ya’ll need Charles Nelson Reilly or Bruce Vilanch if we have to play Squares.

Has anyone in this family even ever seen a dragon?

At least nerd law is based on reason.

As a new-ish Switch owner, I love my console. It even got me into the Zelda series that I had ignored any main console games since Zelda II. (handheld games were always fun) I bought ARMS at release. Played it until Splatoon 2 came out and that pretty much settled things.

Well looks like I am booting up MW:R a lot more now.