Not being a smartass, but what other current wrestling games are there? 2k16 is the only one I know of.
Not being a smartass, but what other current wrestling games are there? 2k16 is the only one I know of.
Yeah that’s kinda my thought. As long as they aren’t ruining the show or other people’s experiences, let them.
at least their phones are down when playing pokemon usually, not above their heads blocking peoples’ views.
Exactly. These people understand the danger and power of their firearms. I am sure most of them respect the fact that their lives and the lives of others are in their hands. They know that they will likely die in a firefight before they are 30. That is a powerful message to send to idiots here in the states that walk…
Don’t you mean...BIZARRO HELPING?
I picked up a minidisc player because I did a lot of walking at the time, and cd players constantly skipped, so it was a nice alternative.
Thank you. So many people don’t get this. Or giving people “free rent next time” which defeats the purpose of the game.
Or else people don’t auction, artificially extending the game.
I won’t deny it, I loved Bible Adventures as a kid.
Then I went and played more contra.
I meant to allow people to submit things.
Wait what, I love me some Neil Hamburger, how did someone ruin him?
Or TMNT, or the upcoming Power Rangers reboot?
People may hate them but they don’t go on massive crusades against these reboots. They bitch and moan that they are ruining a classic but then move on. Ghostbusters for some reason has been this lightning rod for “OH NOW MOVIES HAVE GONE TOO FAR” when this is far from a…
I honestly don’t expect it to last more than a week with how ridiculous pokemon go’s popularity is.
Gym leaders don’t want you to know about this one CRAZY Pokestop!
Save me some. Sounds great. Too bad we don’t have any good delis around here where I live. (Janesville, WI)
it already has happened, but the journalists playing pokemon go not paying attention couldn’t get in touch with the local authorities because they were too busy playing pokemon go not paying attention.
I would expect you to read this but you are likely playing pokemon go not paying attention.
I have no problem with trading in principle. I feel there needs to be a safe way to do it where it doesn’t broadcast your location, and won’t alert panicky newsmedia.
(various outlets are already warning about “allowing yourself to be found on Pokemon go” or “sharing your location through the app” neither of which is…
Hey your gif froze right after catching ohhhhhhhh I seeee.....
Face to face trading and PvP probably shouldn’t happen, or if it does, it should be handled in a very careful way.
Obviously they wouldn’t show you where other players were for safety reasons, but I could see using a miitomo-like “hit the same symbol to connect to that player” kind of thing.
Agreed a million percent.
I would love to see someone Leslie Jones and co. show up in an outfit they pulled out of their closet that they felt like wearing that day.
Women that look comfortable and happy look gorgeous.
Waiting until the presidential election to vote then voting third party when people had plenty of chances to change the outcome beforehand is certainly who should be blamed for the current situation.
We have a two-party system currently. This is how it works, but we as a people can change it by voting at the local…