You make it sound like Space Jam is a bad thing?
You make it sound like Space Jam is a bad thing?
1. The final countdown could even make the undertaker awesome again.
2. I think we are at a point where Bryan is so beyond expected to win in the "WWE Universe's" eyes that the only way to twist this is either let him win or screw him the night after with some ref trick or just "No you can't have the belt because we…
This...this times a hundred.
I love the new Bryan character (Didn't like the american dragon or his early gimmick in WWE) and it is well thought out and more natural. That said I think it would be stupid to give him the belt for a real run.
Hear me out before flaming.
He hasn't really "Earned" it in the storyline. He…
Right with you there Hamnight. His "corporate HHH" gimmick is surprisingly well done. Heel trips on the mic is one of the best things in the company, but his matches are often far too predictable and boring for me to get really invested.
I don't doubt we will get a twist and see a fatal four way or something where…
I am with you there. His change in character from SUPERCENA SUPERFACE to "High midcard meta-character that is used to put over talent" has been slow but well done in my opinion.
Cena, the person, is an incredibly hard working individual, and definitely deserves HOF status when he retires.
Cena, the character, is…
Them dirt sheet facts.
Maybe if you hate america. Do you hate our troops? MURICA!
That sounds a lot like communism. Or something ending in ism. Better watch it or you might be branded a hippie.
Good point. If Riot is this exact thread, then I will happily play RP to join in that queue.
Or how about a weekly rotation, one of the game modes changes ever week in a casual queue? I am sure it would be a nightmare to code but it would be a blast.
Well that's good to hear. I really don't know much about Los Angeles so nothing seemed out of place to me. Rock on.
I hate greenland so much that I start my games there now.
So the guy knew he would get pulled over? I watched the video and wasn't sure.
Does this seem like it could be a really bad idea? I mean almost any officer will tell you every traffic stop could be their last, and they really don't know if the person they planned to "prank" had a reason to take a shot. Maybe I just lived in cities with high crime rates for too long.
That said this is a good…
Did someone say Zucker? Surely you can't be serious.
Seriously, I hope they keep this mode. This is the most fun I have had in the game in a long while, and it is a great alternative when you are sick of losing due to AFKers and being terrible in general.
Yeah these are just mean spirited and stupid pranks. There are situations where you really don't know how people will react...this is one of them.
WILIFRED! The bestest companion ever. Right in the feels.
I miss gunbound. It was such fun for what it was.
Still play neopets every so often these days though.