
I am sure you could cover them in mud and dirt if you like. The options are endless!!

no, just two seashells and a far-too-thin strap holding them on.

That should be the tagline for the disney princess lingerie: :The costume look that's fun to wear!"

You beat me to it. HACK THE PLANET!!!

So because someone provides a product at a price that someone else finds reasonable, or finds ways to entice buyers they are a con artist?

I won't deny the fact that we are simply consumers and suckers, and we all get taken on a daily basis, but I am more "shocked and flummoxed" by your reactionary posting more than


Its the impulse purchasing of the "Miracle" steam sale.

No, got them off wonder trade. The Japanese poke transfer/bank was up and running for a while and it seems there are now quite a few older pokemon popping up in the wonder trade arena.

As I was breeding Mudkips (I effing love mudkip....) Totodiles, Turtwigs and Cyndaquils in Pokemon Y yesterday something occurred to me.

Not using Luke Cage for everything is a crime against humanity. Luke cage is one of my favorite super heroes, Moon Knight, Doctor Strange being two of the others I'd put in my top 5.

I just have to finish the war itself at this point. I did a few of the side quests for the hippies, finished the farm and the nuns for them today, but I have a feeling I started frat boy before I took my break from the game.

As for the ascensions, I guess I just forgot that I did them....It just seems more complicated

Rename Autoexec.bat to UNLIMITEDGOLD.HAX for unlimited gold.

I'd love to ascend but haven't done one post-NS13 since I got stuck on the macguffin quest and for some reason can't get finish the island war.
Bah. Ah well more adv for crimbo!
Say hi! I am Jaris there.

I was hoping Kotaku would become a lemonparty redirect.

For infinite lives at the final boss, hit Alt+F4!

Someone returned it, made it look reasonably new, clerks didn't give a shit, put it out, assuming it was new. It was not.

Maybe the owner that had it originally got it taken away from them because of the porn that was on it.

As disappointing as this is, it is far more disappointing in the lack of updates to the Adult Swim and cartoon network shows, which sadly all have one or maybe two seasons of long-running cartoons and programming. Come on, let's see some updates netflix!

I hope my kid is as cool as my kid. Some days it is a crapshoot.

If I purchased someone (say my son) a gift and he did that, he would quickly learn how quickly the gift would find a new home on ebay, returned to the store, or given to someone who would appreciate it.

This year in november, I took my now 6 year old son through his room, and we packed up toys he doesn't play with as

Apples to apples or "Things" are two versions that are much more family friendly than CAH.