
In other news today; millions of people continued starving, thousands were sold into slavery, 22 veterans committed suicide, and the internet is outraging about a lion.

Replace “drone” with “gun” and you’ll understand what pro-2A people have been struggling with for years.

Don’t worry, I doubt Gizmodo’s readership growth is anywhere close to 1%

The internet is growing too fast.

What people seem to forget EVERY F-CKING TIME is that there are rules for immigrants and refugees. The first rule is: Go to the police station in the first EU-country you land and register yourself as a refugee.

Wow. I never thought anyone could ever top Molly Oswaks and her absolutely moronic ugh-hobos-use-facebook-too! style Gizmodo posts. I should have known though with your projecting fake-AI-bots-are-creepy-slaves post how you were steering Gizmodo... into the fucking gutter. This is just straight up garbage, nothing but

This whole article blog network reeks of let’s-sing-kumbaya bullshit.

Imaging having a hard time getting a job, having to stay living with your family... who are all having problems, when all of sudden thousands upon thousands of people are flooding into your country, taking the jobs, walking into your property, taking advantage of your culture. Yes, the noble thing to do is help

Repressive because they are protecting their citizens?

Madness, I say! Imagine a sovereign country protecting its borders with *gasp* fences!! What is this world coming to??!!

It strikes me as naive and narrow to equate border protection with being anti-immigration. Every nation has an intererest in protecting its borders at some level. Hungary may well be anti-immigration, but that is a separate issue.

this article is completely ignorant. good lord. the writer is completely clueless.

I’d rather see some countryside destroyed than a country and it’s culture.

Some people see any attempt to secure a country’s borders as anti-immigration as opposed to a security measure. These are usually the same people that build privacy fences around their yards and have triple dead-bolt locks on their doors.

Yeah, I don’t understand the hand wringing. People want to know who is entering their country. They don’t want people to waltz in and do whatever they want. The majority will be good people, but good people can go through a gate, not sneak across.

I don’t see what you see. I barely see a fence. I don’t see a beautiful countryside being destroyed. What you call anti-imigration policies most people call laws. Normal laws so people don’t come and go from the country willy-nilly. Have you seen the border between the US and Canada? It’s a lot longer than 175km and

beautiful countryside is being destroyed - WTF?!!! - are you retarded?


Look at this beautiful countryside depressingly destroyed by anti-immigration policies.

When will it end?

How dare they attempt to protect themselves! I’m sure 100% of the people illegally entering their country are good people and NONE of them could be terrorists so they should just welcome them all with open arms without question!