
No doubt. But unlike Obama he’s made another delusional, pathetic loser as his bitch.


I’m sure Putin is saying the exact same thing about Obama right now, word for word.

Maybe Casio’s reasoning behind the 50m WR is that anything more would be useless if the phone the watch is supposed to stay synced to didn’t have a similar waterproof rating.

This watch is not designed for scuba diving or snorkeling.

Better call StubHub and tell them to knock off what they’re doing, then.

Maybe they're pulling a Steve Jobs and leasing a new car every 6 months.

Starred for “highway cholesterol”. I must remember to use that term in my daily vernacular as I commute on the 405.

Hoverboards aren’t ruining Christmas. Ignorance, stupidity, and lack of common sense are.

The power of the Force compels you!

I approve this message.

There may be little threat of human rights abuses from BB, but threat of privacy abuses by an unscrupulous employee? How about BB giving up encryption keys to a government agency under duress?

I’m saying that the manufacturer holding the key is no better than a government holding it. Besides the fact that different companies have different standards of privacy and ethic, there’s just as much potential for abuse by a private company as well.

So how is this any different from Yahoo giving up the identities of dissidents to the Chinese government in the early-mid 2000’s?

Can it project 3D images of naked Leia porn? If so then I’m in.

Because, like, walking reeks of effort, man.

I completely understand that, but you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. It’s more or less irrelevant how frequently you drive long distances; what matters is how many other people are driving those long distances at the same time you are.

I’ve owned a Tesla Model S P85 for about 6 months now, and I’ve driven it to the Oregon Coast, Zion and Bryce national parks, through the middle of Nevada, down to the SF Bay Area and haven’t had an issue charging once.

And your tiresome piece of BS ignores the fact that California has already banned importing firearms from out of state unless 1) they go through a FFL transfer, and 2) the gun being imported is on an ‘approved roster’ list. Any other form of importation is illegal.

Besides, the point is moot. The terrorists in San

Don’t forget Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Too much information.