
I don’t disagree. The guy is just lucky the outcome wasn’t any worse than it was.

I can see that. Shouldn’t ridicule the situation or the driver, but he still should be excoriated for being an irresponsible dick who’s lucky he didn’t kill anyone.

Would you be saying the same thing if the video showed this guy plowing into a cyclist and killing him?

Rnickeymouse has a ton of videos of idiots like this at the same bend on Mulholland on his YouTube channel. They’re a hoot to watch.

Why should taxpayers have to pay for a private venue that hosts a niche sporting event only once a year?

I was going to say, plutonium isn’t terribly abundant in nature. Especially back in the 50’s.

Now playing

This one. Not that it’s particularly bad or anything, but because it’s being played CONSTANTLY on virtually every channel on TV right now. Every time I hear this song I want to throw a brick at my TV.

Aw, these ads are some of my favorites. Peter Stormare rocks it!

Honest question: Every handgun that people carry in a shoulder holster (e.g. Miami rig) muzzle sweeps people all the time — and the action is even closed and the handgun is loaded. Why aren’t you leveling the same amount of criticism at this scenario?

I don’t disagree with anything you say, but I will point out that the failure of enforcement of certain gun laws already on the books does not necessarily mean that the law itself is inherently faulty. Sure, there are laws that are ‘unenforceable’ but they’re not limited to gun control.

The problem I see is that most

Agreed. And by your reasoning, the gun grabber politicians who are all about coming up with useless gun control policies that don’t do anything *MUST* be held to a higher standard of conduct as well - and that means knowing what the hell they’re talking about as well as proving how their proposed policies will

“Hey boss, take a look at this...we need to try this on a dude”
- ISIS insurgent

I was about to say...looks like Elmo looked inside the Ark.

The explosive decompression of Aloha 243 (an inter-island flight) was at 24000 feet. Without oxygen, at that flight level a pilot has less than 30 seconds to get the plane down to a safer altitude before unconsciousness sets in. This flight was at what, ~33000 feet? That's quite a difference.

“Star Trek: Wesley Crusher”

Look at it this way. If you were a content creator, be it software, or music, or movies - would you be OK with people pirating your content now in the off chance that they’d pay for it later?

Maybe the guy is an anesthesiologist?

Now playing

If you want to argue for gun control, or a gun ban, you should educate yourself on what guns are and how they work.

So can I get out of the gray now? Please?