
You are not providing anything I don’t know. Platforms like this can but shouldn’t get into banning people for previous associations, that they have renounced. Provide a service or don’t. If you do, be consistent and complete. There are still people on their service that are as bad or worse. And I suggest that online

“Milo solicited advice from...” I really want to see what about... Have to think its not great, but if they continue to allow BAM and Antifa....its not about hate speech or hate groups. Or hating someone we hate is okay, but hating someone we like is not...

How long have people been saying crap without the least review of the facts? Started getting a little OCD about then, especially on the comments here. I don’t care about this guy or Patreon, never gave a dime to either. But I at least try to find a fact or two before I would write an article, applaud an article that

When Milo did talk about it, and didn’t outright renounce it, he was talking from his experience as a young person. I may not agree, but that isn’t the same. Mohamad doesn’t seem to get much of a hit for screwing a 9 year old, but then again tough to spot a picture of him.....

See and there you don’t even question the bullshit of the comment, only have fun with it. Okay, you just like troll on or put your head on your don’t seem to have a brain made for deep thought.

No, I get it.  Its much easier to just say “he’s a racist” “reading hurts my brain”.  Its okay, you to can go put your head on your desk.

Hey, alt-right gets thrown around like its free speech....I think BAM and Antifa are alt-left. They don’t support what the majority of left leaning adults do...such as anti-violence.  So new term, I think alt-right is a joke.

I am sorry I triggered you...feel free to get under your desk and duck and cover.  That will protect you!

I don’t get that, but point is that “links” that are simply they have been in the same room are not very strong. Doing Karaoke seems a little week of a link to me as well.  I guess that is your point as well? 

I am not white knighting anyone, nor am I a kid. I do have a problem with Patreon not allowing him while still allowing Antifa...which is an organization that has suggested what to bring to events as weapons to get past the police. The BBC stated “Their willingness to use violence marks out Antifa from many other

Yes simple logic is fun to watch.

Care to expand on ‘his own words’? I know you are one of the ignorant, one who doesn’t know what Milo actually said, didn’t want to “justify his existence by listening”, you are just joining the mob with your own eco friendly LED tiki torch to ‘bash the bad man’. But really, when the adults are talking, you should

See, this is why most of the left are idiots. They don’t even keep the story straight. Is it hate groups or violent groups? They said both. Karaoke with Ricard Spencer is your go to for his White Supremacist Bona Fides? Yes, you are not making a joke but becoming one.

Not like The Root ever got anything just slightly right...oops, I mean wrong, right? know what I mean. I am sure they got statements from everyone involved, you know journalism.

At least you take time to do research and really bring out a thoughtful argument.

He was abused, so higher likelihood he will abuse...just saying maybe you think about the odds. Plus as big as he is...someone will get the wrong vibe and then (bam) someone says they were in fear for their life. Find someone with no charisma, doesn’t do any drugs (alcohol included), preferably a quadriplegic that

New Title “Accused Rapist Neil deGrasse Tyson now receiving cover from Fox, Cosmos producers who now look to cover up his sexual assaults.”

I am with you. And now I will practice my Australian... so ‘Good on ya Cunt!’

Okay, to be clear, you are suggesting the CIA couldn’t get it wrong? So you now agree Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction, like the CIA reported?

Easy solve, “he who smelt it, dealt it” and “he who declared it blared it”