
This is why we shouldn’t create “Hate” laws or forbid “Hate” speech. Its a judgement call that you don’t want to put in someone elses hands. And I have to think, if this had been in a mosque, would we be as upset? I think there would be a lot of Islamophiliacs that would be decrying the hatred calling for similar

So the Opposite of Jezebel? Good.

I always check the spare tire of my rental car, and here is another reason to do it!

You can’t be that obtuse. Ann Coulter wants the police to do policing, not allow rioting ass-hats to be able to do whatever they want. Conservatives want you to be safe from “PHYSICAL” harm and allow speakers to be able to (what is the word) speak. Lefties (I can’t think its liberals) want everyone to be safe from

Probably because nothing can be used as a insult as it is insulting to someone. My guess is people who are normally not cognizant of events around them (been told I have mild Asperger’s Syndrome so I can talk about my own people) would not be offended by the remark, but then again someone will always be there to be

Nancy Pelosi wants us to live under a Monarchy. She wants to repeal the 2nd amendment which assures our ability to fight against British tyranny. Please quit this over reaching bullshit.

I put everything I liked, found interesting, or appreciated about this article between the brackets [I’m going to go pass out.] 

This is part of reversing the Misogyny. We give women twice the credit for the second half. It was on last months Misogyny ballot, you are welcome. And sorry Rosie O’Donnell, I didn’t vote for that other measure.

No, you missed his point completely. He didn’t come to “” or Brietbart for that matter. He came to see technology, and just as with so many other things, the SJWs that seem to run around here are now making this a safe space to bitch about shit he didn’t come to read about....SAME HERE! I don’t go

For me, its more the hypocrisy and the depths to which they are willing to sink without recognizing it.

Yes, please do. Try Hillary again.

I think we have found the writer of the next hit series on NetFLIX! From the producers of The OA maybe?

I think it takes a unanimous vote, and Bill can feel his pain. A player with no game, he can’t empathize...just sympathize.

If you are going to point out every hyperbolic quote during Trump’s run, I don’t think there is enough space on the internet. May I suggest you just let most of them go....? And be honest, how are you going to prove “hard to find a great dress for this inauguration.” is wrong. They are sold out of dresses he

Yes, Hillary would have done so much more for American by now........get a life and give it some freaking time.

That is a distinction without a difference. Do/have we had faithless electors, yes. Have they ever accounted for anything? No. One reason to have them is if the candidate dies before taking office, the largest faithless electors have happened because of this. It is technically possible, but so unlikely and in

Well, the federalist part is because the states retain some self-governance. And I am not sure your state, but I believe all 50 are representative democracies. The electoral college is the same. We vote for our representatives there too, not by intent. We also vote for senators and representatives,

Better than reading this winy crap about what an terrible world it will be in a few months.....

Seriously, think about all the people talking about seceding. Then count the number of guns owned by the people who voted for Trump compared to those owned by people who voted for Hillary. She won the popular vote, but I bet Trump won the gun count by at least 10 to 1...... The south will be ready this time, we

I do, I will go back to my couch and turn it into a GIF....maybe use it as my phone screen saver :)